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classics_lover May 2 2015, 22:53:19 UTC
James Spader had the best bitchy/snarky voice for the role, he was perfect :D And perfectly creepy when singing Pinocchio's song D: I loved that they picked up on how alike his and Tony's snark was - he may have hated Tony but he also had Tony in him after cannibalising JARVIS (which made me weep sad fannish tears because no more JARVIS snark D:) OTOH Kerry Condon could be beautifully snarky in an Irish way. (I totally want a fannish explanation for why Tony went from an English AI to an Irish one ( ... )


marinarusalka May 3 2015, 16:09:09 UTC
Yeah, I would've loved to see a confrontation between the twins and Tony. Pietro's story of how he and Wanda were trapped in the rubble of their house for days waiting for a Stark bomb to blow them up was one of the twins' most powerful characterization moments, and it's also something Tony would have a strong reaction to. If nothing else, I wish we could've seen what RDJ would do with such a juicy scene.


classics_lover May 3 2015, 17:50:38 UTC
I suspect that there may be a pile of deleted scenes in the blu ray release because I doubt they could leave something like that in the ether and imagination of the fans. It's such a shame they left something so potentially powerful out of the movie altogether.


marinarusalka May 7 2015, 18:00:22 UTC
Have you read this fic? It's pretty much exactly what I wanted from a Wanda-Tony confrontation.


classics_lover May 7 2015, 20:31:15 UTC
I hadn't, but thank you for the rec, that was awesome :D


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