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classics_lover May 2 2015, 22:53:19 UTC
James Spader had the best bitchy/snarky voice for the role, he was perfect :D And perfectly creepy when singing Pinocchio's song D: I loved that they picked up on how alike his and Tony's snark was - he may have hated Tony but he also had Tony in him after cannibalising JARVIS (which made me weep sad fannish tears because no more JARVIS snark D:) OTOH Kerry Condon could be beautifully snarky in an Irish way. (I totally want a fannish explanation for why Tony went from an English AI to an Irish one)

I loved Hawkeye and his secret family of mini-agents, and that Natasha was the cool auntie to them. I love strong canon BFFs of opposite genders :) Of course the Clintasha shippers are going to fridge Laura in all manner of interesting ways ;__;

I liked the Bruce/Natasha, but I wish we hadn't been hit over the head with Joss' SHIP THEM! sign. It was overdone. He could have done a lot less and the fans would have done the maths for him.

I was sorry that Pietro and Wanda didn't get face time with Tony to explain their hatred and ask why their parents died under a Stark shell. Of course, Tony's manpain and angst quota had been hit after JARVIS disappeared, ao I'm not that surprised, but it was a missed opportunity for Tony to show how he's changed and for the Wonder Twins to get some actual character development. I was way more worried about Clint in the third act than sad about Pietro. Joss does tend to kill off characters as soon as we learn they have something to lose.


marinarusalka May 3 2015, 16:09:09 UTC
Yeah, I would've loved to see a confrontation between the twins and Tony. Pietro's story of how he and Wanda were trapped in the rubble of their house for days waiting for a Stark bomb to blow them up was one of the twins' most powerful characterization moments, and it's also something Tony would have a strong reaction to. If nothing else, I wish we could've seen what RDJ would do with such a juicy scene.


classics_lover May 3 2015, 17:50:38 UTC
I suspect that there may be a pile of deleted scenes in the blu ray release because I doubt they could leave something like that in the ether and imagination of the fans. It's such a shame they left something so potentially powerful out of the movie altogether.


marinarusalka May 7 2015, 18:00:22 UTC
Have you read this fic? It's pretty much exactly what I wanted from a Wanda-Tony confrontation.


classics_lover May 7 2015, 20:31:15 UTC
I hadn't, but thank you for the rec, that was awesome :D


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