Sleepy Hollow again

Sep 25, 2013 07:19

The show continues to be cheesy fun. I'm sure the plot would completely fall apart if I thought about it for two seconds, so I won't think about it.

That opening scene with Crane in the motel room with all the post-notes was adorable. I like how they're handling the "fish out of water" angle without going into over-the-top slapstick with it. Crane is puzzled by the modern world, but he's also intelligent and adaptable.

Speaking of intelligent and adaptable, I really liked how he improvised his cover story when talking to Abbie's asshole ex. The asshole ex can go, though. I don't see how he adds anything to the story.

I'm glad he took a shower, but when is the dude going to get some clean clothes? (Though when he does, I hope he gets some ass-kicking boots and a cool jacket. What can I say, I'm shallow.)

John Cho is still around, yay! Totally creepy, but still around. And hey, so is Clancy Brown. I love that Abbie's reaction to being haunted is "Dude, you'd better make yourself helpful."

We need some flashbacks to Crane and Katrina. Maybe showing that early period when she "disliked him intensely" and how that changed. But I'll take anything, really. It's just that it's hard for me to feel the tragedy of their doomed romance when all she does is pop up in visions to provide vaguely-worded plot exposition. Especially when Abbie is right there and having all this chemistry with Crane.

The actress who plays Abbie's sister is also a regular on Nikita, where she plays an adorable computer geek. Here she's apparently Sarah Connor. I approve.

So, yet, still fun. Will keep watching as long as Australian TV lets me.

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