Art dump

Sep 21, 2013 18:45

Still working on learning how to draw. Getting slightly better, I think, not that I'm a great judge of my own work. Most of these have been posted to my tumblr, but I figure I'll post a round-up here once a month or so, as a back-up. Hopefully that's not too spammy.

Another go at movie!Tony. Still not great, but better than my last attempt, I think.

Even though Iron Man and Captain America have had way more screen time than Black Widow, reference pictures of Scarlett Johansson are much easier to find:

Captain Marvel, tragically, does not have a movie, which means I didn't have a photo reference to work from. So, yeah, not so great.

Runner 5 from Zombies, Run! is supposed to be a player self-insert character, so I tried to make her look a little like me. Only about twenty years younger, and a hell of a lot more athletic.

I had another life drawing class today. Same instructor, new model. Last month, we focused mostly on outlining the figure, this time we worked more on shading and trying to make the drawing three-dimensional. I have a lot of issues with shading.

This one, I did from a photo I found. Finding good nude photos to draw from on the internet is surprisingly difficult. Sure, there are pictures of naked people all over the place, but they're mostly badly lit or having sex. Or both. This guy was randomly holding a pole, I don't know why, but at least he was well-lit.

One of these days I'd like to produce something I'd be willing to post to a comm or something. Not yet, though.

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