Honey, I'm home!

Aug 10, 2005 20:40

The sparkly shininess of owning an ice cream maker hasn't worn off yet.  This week's batch: goat milk and honey ice cream.  Made simply by substituting goat milk for regular milk in the recipe.  The switch was inspired by the utterly luscious goat milk and ricotta gelato that I had back in NY while having dinner with girasole, helgabee and company.  Now, I don't ( Read more... )


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marinarusalka August 11 2005, 04:08:23 UTC
Always happy to share a recipe.

This is from The Ultimate Ice Cream Book by Bruce Weinstein ( ... )


sheryll August 11 2005, 04:01:13 UTC
If you're sharing recipes, I'd love the one for coconut-chocolate sherbet. Sounds scrumptious!


marinarusalka August 11 2005, 04:16:42 UTC
It was scrumptuous. Plus, really easy to make and totally vegan!

From Room for Dessert by David Lebovitz.

1 cup water
1 cup sugar
5 ounces bittersweet chocolate, coarsely chopped (don't be stingy; get the good stuff)
2 cups canned Thai coconut milk (I used lite milk, 'cause that's all the supermarket had, and it came out just fine)
1 tablespoon dark rum

Heat the water and sugar in a saucepan until sugar completely dissolves. Add the chocolate, and whisk until it's all melted. Remove from heat and stir in the coconut milk and rum.

Chill, and freeze in your ice cream maker.


sheryll August 16 2005, 16:16:18 UTC
Mmmmm... sounds marvelous and EASY! Will have to try it out when I get paid next. :)



frankie_lee August 11 2005, 04:21:12 UTC
::gurgles like Homer Simpson::

Iiiiiiiice creeeeeeeeeam...

Words fail-- how awesome is that machine?!!


marinarusalka August 11 2005, 04:27:21 UTC
It's totally awesome. Especially this time of year, when it's too hot to bake.


fungus_files August 11 2005, 05:33:40 UTC
have you ever tried sweet potato and cardamom ice-cream? it's actually more a granita type treat than creamy ice-cream but the one that I had a few years ago (a friend made it) was scrumptious. I think it was from a Charmaine Solomon recipe.

great to hear you're having so much with the new toy!


marinarusalka August 11 2005, 13:51:42 UTC
Haven't tried it, but The Ultimate Ice Cream Book does include a recipe for sweet potato ice cream, and I could probably experiment with adding cardamom. Sounds like a great flavor combination, anyway.


judyserenity August 11 2005, 06:16:23 UTC
Oh, you're making me hungry! What sort of ice cream maker are you using, Marina?

I have a Donvier ice cream maker packed away somewhere in my huge pile of stuff, but have never used it. On the other hand, I make this mango frozen yogurt stuff in the blender that lately has become pretty much a staple of my diet. (It probably won't kill me, being made just of frozen mango, unsweetened soymilk, unsweetened yogurt and Splenda.)

Hmmmm.... I'm all out of mangos -- maybe I'll go make a raspberry version.


marinarusalka August 11 2005, 13:52:53 UTC
I have a Cuisinart one, from Williams Sonoma. It's the kind where you keep the bowl in the freezer until you're ready to use it.


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