Ocean's 11 fic: Sometimes you win, sometimes you lose, sometimes you cheat (Danny/Rusty, PG-13)

Jul 03, 2005 11:18

So I've decided to do yuletide this year, but in order to qualify I needed to write a fic for one of the unfilled challenges from last year.  Conveniently, musesfool had a challenge listed, and she has a birthday coming up.  Which leads us to:

Sometimes you win, sometimes you lose, sometimes you cheat
by marinarusalka
Pairing: Danny/Rusty
Rating:  PG-13
Summary: Danny and ( Read more... )

o11 fanfic, fanfic

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Comments 19

pixie_pan July 4 2005, 08:08:37 UTC
That was awesome. I love a little Danny/Rusty. ^_^ Also, I'm making an educated guess from your header that you're a Sparrington fan. This makes you doubly cool. Plus you have the default Hermione icon, so even cooler. I like you! ^_^


marinarusalka July 4 2005, 15:26:15 UTC
Hi! *waves* Nice to meet you. I'm glad you liked my story. And yeah, Jack/Norrington is teh hot, and Hermione is my gal. :-)


longsunday July 4 2005, 09:59:49 UTC
"I should've been tipped off by the way you always go on about the interior decorating. But your lousy taste in shirts threw me off."

man, i can hear Danny saying that. i absolutely love the dialogue in this - it really makes the fic come alive, like i can hear both of them speaking the lines, you know? & that's rare. ncie work. :)


marinarusalka July 4 2005, 15:28:56 UTC
Thank you! That's the best compliment I could hope for on an O11 story. The movie has such great dialogue, with really distinctive character voices, so if I managed to capture a small part of that, I'm happy.


avon7 July 4 2005, 21:25:43 UTC
You have, as everyone has already noted, some excellent dialogue but I loved this best of all:

"Am not!" Danny drew himself up, genuinely indignant. "I'm an excellent liar! I do it professionally!"

I also loved the friendship and the hurt-comfort. I read this last night and then when I got up this morning I had to come and put the computer on so I could read it again.


marinarusalka July 5 2005, 02:07:49 UTC
Thank you. :-)


jasmasson July 5 2005, 06:41:22 UTC
This was wonderful. There really isn't enough D/R out there of this quality. Their banter was superb. Poor dears, at least they have each other *g*.


marinarusalka July 5 2005, 14:57:31 UTC
Thanks. :-)


wow... vedetta July 30 2005, 13:15:45 UTC
I love this fic! Of course, I have a thing about angst, so this was my personal heaven, but... Rusty was so in character! Like he would give a damn about Danny doing that to him, he watches out for Danny so much, he'd rather it was him - I think that, anyway. No way in hell he'd say that to danny, though. Sorry. Am I talking too much?

"Rusty was right, he should've known better. Should've figured without being told that Rusty wasn't going to cut up rough about the stupid coin toss. Most guys would've. Most guys in the business talked a good game about partnership and loyalty and honor among thieves, but what they really meant was, "I'll stab your back the moment it's turned, but you'd better do right by me or else." Rusty didn't pull that shit. You knew what to expect from Rusty, and you knew what he expected from you, and you knew that the two sides would always balance out. It occurred to Danny -- not really for the first time, but the first time he'd actually put it in words -- that Rusty was the only person on the entire ( ... )


Re: wow... marinarusalka August 1 2005, 18:33:08 UTC
Thank you! I always get a warm glow when somebody tells me that a fic is in character.


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