Ocean's 11 fic: Sometimes you win, sometimes you lose, sometimes you cheat (Danny/Rusty, PG-13)

Jul 03, 2005 11:18

So I've decided to do yuletide this year, but in order to qualify I needed to write a fic for one of the unfilled challenges from last year.  Conveniently, musesfool had a challenge listed, and she has a birthday coming up.  Which leads us to:

Sometimes you win, sometimes you lose, sometimes you cheat
by marinarusalka
Pairing: Danny/Rusty
Rating:  PG-13
Summary: Danny and ( Read more... )

o11 fanfic, fanfic

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Comments 19

ficbyzee July 3 2005, 23:47:15 UTC
Ooooh, I loved this. I haven't read much first time Danny/Rusty--probably because they seem like they've already been married for ten years by the movie--and this was just perfect. I loved Danny's angst, and the banter, and how matter-of-fact they were about their sudden new gay relationship. Lovely.


marinarusalka July 4 2005, 02:00:59 UTC
Thank you! It's true, Danny and Rusty seem very much like an old married couple in the movie, which is why I had to go back a ways to write a first-time. :-) I'm glad you liked it.


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marinarusalka July 4 2005, 02:01:55 UTC
Thanks! I'm glad you liked it. :-)


_shades_ July 4 2005, 00:36:17 UTC
oh my flippin' lord. this is absolutly on spot and wonderful and i think i'm in love. all the little details, the coin toss, danny being a mother hen -dies-

simply amazing. Please tell me you're writing more Ocean fic?


marinarusalka July 4 2005, 02:04:39 UTC
Thank you. I'm glad you enjoyed it. :-)

I've given up trying to predict what I'll write next -- it's never what I think it is. But Danny and Rusty are certainly wonderful characters to work with. And after spending the past couple of years in Harry Potter and Pirates of the Caribbean fandoms, it's a nice change to write some fic where I can use modern American slang and set stories in places I'm actually familiar with. :-)


kaitscribbles July 4 2005, 00:54:36 UTC
Holy shit. This is one of the most kickass O11 fics I've ever read, not to mention being a first-time Danny/Rusty that blows nearly all the others away. So completely in-character and great with the details. God! Huge love. I've already re-read twice.

It seemed all wrong that Rusty should look like that when it was just the two of them in a room, so Danny bent down and kissed him.

Beautiful, beautiful line.

"But mostly, I don't think you should be re-evaluating your sexual orientation in a Ramada Limited. That's just tacky, man."

I could picture the dialogue being spoken through the whole thing; that was just one of the best parts.

Thank you so much for sharing! And goddammit, you BETTER write more in this fandom. :-)


marinarusalka July 4 2005, 02:06:23 UTC
Oh, thank you! *does the happy feedback dance* If anything is going to inspire me to write more O11 fic, it's comments like this. :-) I'm very happy that you liked the story, and thank you for the feedback.


dancinguniverse July 4 2005, 01:41:39 UTC
Wow. That was so amazing. Great first-time, great dialog, and hurt-comfort is one of my automatic "I will love you if you write it" buttons. So is guilt, strangely enough, so you get a double there. Trifecta, really, for the hotel. Great job, and I hope to see more.


marinarusalka July 4 2005, 02:08:36 UTC
Thank you. :-) It was actually an interesting challenge, trying to work in some guilt and hurt/comfort into a fandom as fundamentally snarky and light-hearted as O11. I tried my best to do it while retaining the tone of the movie, and I'm glad you felt it worked.


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