New update already?

Feb 10, 2010 09:48

In the form of  a meme. Tagged by jolinar_rosha

- list 7 habits/quirks/facts
- tag 7 people to do the same
- don't tag the person who tagged you or say that you tag 'whoever wants to do it'

I have already written many things about me, so let’s see what else is new…
1. I’ve become addicted in morning TV shows. Even just for the TV being switched on. I need the noise. I started keeping up with most Greek gossip. Sometimes I get interested. Or I get attracted by blond chicks. I am not myself anymore.
2. I also watch House M.D almost daily. One of my favourite American shows.
3. I started shopping a lot. Blame PoupeeGirl or my mother, I don’t know. My mother still keeps telling me I dress up like a kid. Arg!
4. After starting drinking alcohol very often, I am back to coffee again. Yes, I need my addictions. I try to limit them to the healthiest ones. Somehow…!
5. Lately I started feeling I have more control over my brain. So, in that sense I am becoming myself again. Go figure.
6. I recently discovered that because of a genetic condition I have difficulties recognising faces, especially when the jaw lines and hair are removed. I mean, I suspected a difficulty but now I know what studies with other people have shown. Having access to a university database is really helpful!
7. I need a job. Like… NOW! But I am also really decided on what I want to do. Patience until I have my master’s. Energy levels high!

And I can't really tag anyone... *gomen*


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