I am very surprised this is not all over the internet.
It seems that humans have already been cloned. Or more precisely, human cloned embryos have been implanted into 4 women and scientists are waiting for the result. In a middle east country, where cloning is permited. OF COURSE. Noone can oppose progress.
http://www.skai.gr/master_story.php?id=118464 While, on the other hand some others are trying to make religion more important than science and want to make any voice against religion an insult. Inside the very United Nations. And leaders of communist and islamic countries that is. Because it is more important to protect religion than human rights.
http://e-rooster.gr/04/2009/1345 We live in an ironic world.
I am sorry the sources are in Greek. I can try to find some in English if any of you cares enough to know.