Dec 02, 2004 02:35
As of right now, I'm calling the credit card company, demanding refunds on the psychic hotlines. I'm also considering hitchhiking to California in January, and taking up drugs then kicking the habit because I might be able to figure out how to deliver a baby at that point.......
*glances around*
wow, tough crowd tonight
I should really stop trying to be funny with so little sleep...
and for my non-LOST watching friends, I've started downloading episodes of Desperate Housewives, so I may start babbling about that soon as well.....
*ponders of anything else that needs to be said*
Charlie, if you were real and not on a f*cked up island out in the middle of Pacific Nowhere, you could be my friend, you lovable withdrawl miracle you :)
oh, and Ethan, you hurt Claire and they're gonna have to be feeding you those bannanas through a tube!!!!!!!
Sleep was needed hours ago - I go to that good place now.....