Random Ramblings: Entry 8

Nov 30, 2004 09:32

My eyes hurt...bleh.....

"On the Outskirts of my Fandom"
Yeah, so apparently this past week has been "Fandom players in movies outside of Fandom" week on all the movie channels on cable. It started on Friday when I caught the end of Deception on one of the HBOs. I had actually never heard or seen this movie before, but Viggo is in it and I was almost shocked to see him play a bad husband as opposed to the once and future king. This was followed the next night by a partial viewing of The Rules of Attraction, which I'm sorry to say I had seen parts of before, but I had never realized till then that Ian Somerhalder was in it (but until recently I never really cared if Ian was in anything); for those of you that have not seen this one before, I have too many quirks with it to get into too many details right now. Then Sunday night was the best, when HBO Comedy showed The Goonies (I still haven't seen this one all the way through, but seeing this much of it at once was quite a treat), and if that wasn't enough Sean Astin, Encore was showing Toy Soldiers. I had never seen any of this one before and I actually got really nervous at the very ending (and I felt sorry for Sean's hair...ahhh..1991, how we miss you...). And to wrap things up, last night there was a grand showing of Master and Commander - y'all know who's in this one right?

"Defiling the Rock"
Ok, so I just have to share this story. Some kids that work for me (or I should say, the kids that I act like I'm in charge of at work) had an interesting incident happen at their high school before Thanksgiving. Apparently, one of their esteemed peers who was getting a little prematurely festive with certain substances (can you believe it?), decided to leave an early Christmas gift for the school rock. I shit you not - but he did. So the real story here is that the school video news team decided to cover the story, as they should have, and got suspended for the rest of the year for doing so. That's right: the news that covered the story (and didn't even show the actual nastiness or anything) got canceled for the rest of the year and idiot that did it wasn't punished (as of that time). I know Freedom of Speech is a little different inside the school walls, but really....well, I gave the kids a Revolution speech and told them to e-mail MTV news.

"If Mama ain't off on Wednesday night..."
Yeah, he did it. Scheduled me to work on Wednesday night. When I called last night and found out, I seriously almost just said on the phone "Oh, I quit!" Sad yes, but I really don't have a whole lot of events to ever look forward to, and you want to come in for a measly 3 1/2 hours and miss the show? I have the VCR, but I didn't want another late night. It's official: this job sucks donkey balls.

"Fields of Dreams"
Yeah, Nightline covered the "Stadium Wars" last night: sports franchises using public monies to build stadiums. I can understand the argument on both sides, but my favorite part of this story was the ending commentary. I forget the man's name, but he said that the old (baseball) stadiums were built to last, of which there are only 3 left (Yankee Stadium, Wrigley Field, and Fenway Park, the only one I have been to) then showed a picture of weeds growing in the stands of one stadium - and for some reason, I wanted to cry. I am definitely my father's child.
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