Overall, The PV was really disappointing. Though it was cute, the story was sweet and the song was... romantic. I think. The only thing I think is that is too reminiscent of Kiss no Kaerimich love song with their angelic presence over the real beings. I do love how they made it new with the real cute kids and REAL footage. But the heavenly background, the glitter, the cloth... all remade from kiss no kaerimichi love song. I guess, I am a bit disappointed because I want something new or inventive.
If Tegomass continues on this route, I would look at a timeline of their PVs and look for a story progression. >.> I mean if it had one that would be awesome, like lee jun ki's grace series. NOW THAT, was cool...
I guess I was expecting something more from TegoMass. Something inventive or creative and not a bad remake of their former glory. If I was flailing myself crazy over Kiss no Kaerimichi love song, this one pales in comparison.
First of all, the whole video feels so cold. The colors were too cool. I understand they were talking about rain here, but, geesh... its a love story too.. add a little color maybe. I appreciated the silver look, it looked like raindrops and was appropriate.However, the whole color palette sucked. >.> It made Tegomass look... PALE. Thank GOD for Massu's bright eyes. It helped made the experience better.
The playing with water scenes in black were awesome. I LOVED the effect. I just hate the fact that the idol shots were done OVER AND OVER AND OVER AND OVER... How many cute faces could tego and massu do in 5 minutes? seriously, and was the director just lazy? Oh, it was also the same thing over and over. it was, kids walking in the rain, tegomass singing, kids walking in the rain, tego close up, massu close up, kids walking in the rain *insert random showerhead shot/black shot here*, rinse, repeat...
IMHO, they could have sang on the ladders, made use of the showers more and that would have made it better. Yes, I am disappointed. so much effort wasted, so much still to aspire for in this video.
Dont let me get started on BLONDE tegoshi. You know I hate it. So I will leave it at that.
Massu was adorable though, but what the HELL is he wearing around his neck? Ah well, the outfits were kind of normal, except for the ruffles and the weird thing..but.. it was bearable. Blonde tegoshi was... well... I DIDNT LIKE IT.
Massu was adorable. This was the shot that made it all worth it.
This is what I think they were thinking...
I love TEGOMASS but I was disappointed. I guess, I was really just expecting too much.