It has been awhile since my last update. Taking care of Rhett and my nephew (now 6 mos old) takes up a lot of time. Plus it has been getting warmer (above freezing) so we've been trying to get outside with Rhett every day after Graeme comes home from work. We have a little playground/park literally a house down and across the street so it is kind of silly not to take him over there to run off some of his excess energy. Unfortunately, the playground stuff is for older kids but Rhett likes running around over there anyway, plus we take his ball sometimes and he likes run around and kicking it. He's been dribbling a ball soccer-style since his birthday... if this keeps up, the kid is going to be a natural at soccer.
So yeah, my days are mostly taken up with baby and toddler care and antics. Then my evenings are Rhett, cooking, cleaning up and all that other fun stuff. Now that it is staying light out until after 7 pm (and later each day!), I am having a little easier time myself. Fall/Winter is never a great time for me depression-wise but having so little sunshine can evidently make a bigger difference then I thought it would. I'll have to be better prepared next year.
Rhett's been cutting his molars for the last 1.5-2 months so his sleep has been soooo messed up. I really wanted to let him go with his ntaural sleep rhythms but I finally had to step in and give him a set bedtime. He was staying up way to late but still getting up by 9am and not getting enough sleep. He was getting to the point where he wasn't even getting 8 hours at night and maybe 1 hour for nap so I had to do something. Toddlers need their sleep for brain development and good health! Anyway, I didn't really do CIO (I know it works for so many people, but I can't just make my child fall asleep crying alone... I wouldn't like it myself so why would I do it to him?). I did let him cry a bit (no other choice) but since we co-sleep with Rhett, I was right there with him, snuggling, petting, hugging, and reasurring him while maing him lie down for sleep. First night he cried off and on (not constant but still heart-breaking) for an hour and just when I was about to give up, he fell asleep. The next night, he cried for a few minutes period then just kept changing positions then 40 minutes after lying down he fell asleep. Third night he cried a a couple seconds (literally) then shifted around for 35 mins before sleeping. Last night, a few seconds of crying then 25 minutes later asleep. So it is getting better.
I know it seems like a simple thing to get a child to go to sleep... but not so easy when you take away their bedtime bottle (had to, for the sake of his teeth) and they don't want to sleep because they don't want to miss out on any fun... plus Rhett doesn't really know how to put himself to sleep. I am envious of parents who have kids that seem to come out of the womb knowing how to put themselves asleep at night. Neither of mine have been like that. Rhett was doing pretty well actually until about 8 weeks or so when he started getting gas so bad. He hasn't been any good at falling asleep alone since then. But he always went to sleep rather easily with cuddles and a bottle up until his birthday and he started cutting teeth. I always know when he's cutting a tooth because his sleep just gets so messed up. Hopefully having a set routine will help him out. Things have been kind of chaotic for the past couple months too with taking care of my nephew so I'm sure that has contributed too. I'll have to wait and see how this all goes. I just wish I didn't feel so mean doing it. :(
The upside of Rhett having a 9pm bedtime though is that it gives us some free time in the evening. I actually got to relax and play some WoW last night! I haven't really played in a couple months at least so it was a nice break. Graeme and I are also working our way through the Bleach series. We've made it through the first two story arcs little by little and are starting the third one. After that on our list is to catch up on Heroes, Jericho (which I heard they canceled :(), Stargate Atlantis, and I really want to watch the new Battlestar Gallactica series. We're keeping up with the Deathnote anime on cable each week and so help me it better not end up badly! I am still scarred after finally seeing the ending to Evangelion 2 years ago! I really like happy endings, you know? Or at the very least not tragic ones.
I haven't had time to upload new pictures, though I have them, so I'll do that soon and post some. Rhett is getting so big! He's doing new stuff too that I'll update on latre. Currently he is sick and cutting his top molars (they'd half-in). I wish there was something i oculd give him besides tylenol/mortin tohelp him feel better. I tried giving him chamomile tea but he wouldn't drink it. He isn't eating much aside from rice, yogurt, and fruit, and only seems to want to drink his rice milk. Anyone know if fresh honey (like right from a bee-keeper) is okay for a 17 month old? I thought it had to be pasturized or something but I don't see anything on any labels saying regular honey in stores is different.
Anyway, that's all for now, I can hear Rhett waking from his nap so time to make him some lunch. I hope everyone is doing well!
Oh yeah, I saw this on Joe's lj and had to see if I'd get blue too... I didn't. :(
You are pink. You
are in limbo. Not pure and manipulated like white, not impure and noble like red. You are unsure of your real identity, but whatever you chose it to be, you can be it. That is your power. You
change everyone you touch, and everyone remembers you. In literature, pink represents the place between heaven and hell. You are the one we will never forget.
What inner color are you?