29 again. lol yeah... It is funny, I don't remember exactly when birthdays stopped being fun and started being depressing. No big deal. I'm home with Rhett today, just chilling. If the snow stops, we'll have to take a trip out to find some rice milk for him. Graeme is making manacotti for dinner for me tonight and got me a chocolate cake for dessert. His brother and sister-in-law and their 4 mos old should be coming over for dinner and cake too.
Anyway, Rhett is doing well, he just had his 15 mos appt and he is 24lbs and 11 oz and 33.25 inches tall. So he only gained like 7 oz in the past three months but grew 3 inches. I was surprised. And he still has a big head (97th percentile!). He got three shots; flu booster, MMR, and another one that stings. He did pretty well with the first two but screamed for the last one, and I can't blame him, it took much longer then the other two!
He's been having lots of allergy issues the past few months, we're pretty sure he's allergic to milk so we took him off it a month ago and have trying to work most of the dairy out of his diet. He goes next week to get bloodwork to see what allergies show up. So hopefully, in a few weeks we'll know exactly what we need to avoid. Poor little guy, his eczema has been getting bad again bc of the allergens.
They also want us to take him in to get evaluated for his language development since he still doesn't really say any words. They won't actually start therapy with him until he's two (if he needs it) but his pediatrician wants us to get him in and evaluated so we'll be in the system if he does need it later since there are long waiting lines for things like this.
I'm not really worried about his language though. he babbles all the time, repeats sounds, and tries to say words, he just hasn't made the connection yet. And with a little research it seems boys often don't start really talking until closer to 18 mos. Honestly, I just think he's been focused so much on physical stuff that he hasn't had much left over for speech. He walks great, runs, walks backwards, spins, jumps on his bed, kicks a ball while walking/running (think soccer), climbs like a monkey, can do his shape puzzle easily, loves nesting things and spinning items on the floor, is starting to stack blocks and throw balls, and can put his Duplo and Mega Bloks together and take them apart. He'll even pick up his "baby" doll when he "cries (i.e. mommy makes crying noises for the baby). That is a lot to learn in three months, plus there is more stuff I've forgotten.
I don't know, am I wrong? To me it isn't that he hasn't been learning stuff, just he's been focused on other areas rather then language. We'll still set up the appt and get him evaluated just in case there does prove to be a problem later on. But I'm not worrying about it too much.
We are currently weaning Rhett fully off of the formula and going to try him on rice milk (maybe with protein powder in it) since regular milk and soy give him allergic reactions. He was already down to only three bottles a day with only 4 oz formula mixed with 4oz of water. I'll start making it 2oz to 6oz and then just water. The dentist and dr both said it is okay to let him keep having bottles (since he LOVES them so much) as long as they were just water. By 2 yrs, we're supposed to have him using his pacifier only at night and by 3 yrs off it completely... hopefully, Rhett will like that schedule. ;p
Rhett is currently popping his 8th tooth through (so he has almost all 8 front ones now!)any day now. And his two bottom molars are all swollen and the dr said they will be coming in before long. funfun! He's been living on frozen peas it seems, he LOVESLOVESLOVES them! He'll have them for snacks and dinner and anytime he can really. He's still only eating peas, corn, and green beans whoe and mashed potatoes, sw.potatoes, and pumpkin mixed with oats or rice as his veggies. He has recently started eating more fruits though, so now in addition to the applesauce (loves!) , apple wedges, and banana slices that he'd eat before, he'll also eat segments of oranges and slices of kiwi and eat FROZEN blueberries, cherries, pears, peaches, and mandarin oranges. He is loving frozen food, probably because he has been almost constantly teething the for past few months. He even ate some pasta for me one night (once so far) so I'm hopeful, he'll start digging pasta soon too. The dr considers him a picky eater though bc he doesn't like things with certain textures (also why he'll eat some fruits frozen but not otherwise).
On Monday, I start watching Rhett's 4 mos old cousin Elyas so that should be fun. I miss having a baby around so it'll be good for me plus Rhett and Elyas will have a chance to really bond and hopefully grow up close to each other. Family-wise there's only us and Graeme's brother, sister-in-law, and Elyas out here so it is good they are so close in age and will have each other growing up. And who knows, next year Graeme and I may try for another. We'll see what happens. What is meant to be, will be, right?
Anyway, that's about it.
Playing in the snow!
He loves his bagels...
Smiley Boy!
Can you tell he needs a haircut?
And finally, snuggling with Bran.