grammar grumbles, and other snarks

Jul 21, 2011 13:03

Lack of sleep + lack of interest = not only lack of focus, but also random desire to rant.

Such as...

Dear Boss:
Please turn your spell-checker back on. "Origin" is where something comes from. "Origen" was a pre-Nicene Christian philosopher and theologian. Which one is more likely to be applicable when talking about selling wine?

Dear Allstate:
Your recently-updated website is such a kluge that I'm going shopping for a new insurance company. I can't tell whether I have an automated payment set up. I'm not getting payment-due notices even though I've requested them. I only find out there's a problem when I get a paper nastygram telling me that I'm past due and about to get my policy cancelled. There's no excuse for such a poor interface. You've blown it.

Dear company executives and PR staff:
Please turn your spell-checkers and grammar-checkers back on, or use a few dollars of your inflated salaries to pick up some copies of Strunk & White. I'm embarrassed to see the errors that infest your press releases. A luxury-goods company needs to reflect quality in ALL its aspects, especially communications with the press and consumers. Grade-school errors such as mixing up "its" and "it's" do not enhance our image.

Dear Subaru dealer:
Bouncing my call through four transfers before getting me to someone who can make my service appointment is ridiculous. If there were another dealership reasonably convenient to me, you wouldn't get my business. As it is, you're only getting it because this is a factory service update and not something I can just take to my usual mechanic.

Dear college staff and faculty:
Do you have any clue how your lack of command of the English language reflects upon the school for which you work? Do you read your e-mails before you hit "send"? "Hear ye" is an antiquated call for attention. "Here ye" makes no sense.

I could continue; but instead, I'm going to lunch. The world often looks better after a plateful of Diet Alpo.


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