and the joy continues...

Jan 20, 2009 19:27

I discovered this morning that at some point in the previous 24 hours (I had to scrape frost off the windshield yesterday before I left for work), my windshield had cracked. A nice big curving crack, starting at the bottom of the passenger side and looping up toward the middle. The kind of crack that you just *know* is going to travel.

The real irony is...3-year/36000-mile warranty. 19 months, 37020 miles on it.

Yep. *sigh*

It's going to have to wait a while, unless it really starts expanding. This month started with tuition/books and ends with the first installment of property taxes, so a windshield just isn't on the priority list for a few weeks yet.

Not amused. SOooo not amused.

Back to the homework now.

life, cars

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