spring fever, or something

Mar 14, 2008 16:32

For the last several years I've had a fairly thorough bout of depression each spring. Never did quite figure out what drove it, but I'd expected--with reason, I think--that this year would be worse than usual.

Oddly enough, though, it's not. If anything my energy level and ambition are up rather than down. I've stopped feeling as though I just want to barricade myself in the house and pull the blankets up over my head. I feel confident and secure and creative and capable. (At least at the moment...tomorrow's news may vary.)

The only thing I can figure is, having spent the majority of the past 10 months with my head firmly wedged up my own arse, the unaccustomed fresh air and sunshine is making me giddy... XD 

life, philosophical maunderings

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