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Nov 09, 2009 09:19

Doesn't really concern anyone unless they're from whirled, even then- read from the bottom up.

[Kept Anonymous]
on Today at 4:03am    
.... I agreed with you, Shael. Can't you leave well enough alone? Instead you keep fighting...

on Today at 3:53am
Because saying "It is really cool, but I think the shop should be for our own work, not stuff that we just happen to find on the internet." is downing someone, right? I'm done here. This shouldn't have erupted out of what was less than two lines of text.

[Kept Anonymous]
on Today at 3:50am
well instead of automatically downing this person for this, have them link it back to the video they found it on. This all can be solved with an exchange of a few nice words and helping others to understand what you want. I don't think that a link back sounds unreasonable, and in face a good idea.

on Today at 3:42am
Reposting work without linking back to the original artist deprives the artist of exposure and association with their work. I am guessing you would be perfectly fine if you made a video out of your own artwork and someone posted to sell it on whirled without asking you and without any links or credit back, right?

[Kept Anonymous]
on Today at 3:40am
As far as I can tell this person never claimed that the video was theirs so I don't see an issue with it. Now if they said that they made it, I would have a huge problem with it. Anyways, i have had people impersonate me, and you don't think that fighting with you guys isn't killing me slowly too? But you know, I keep fighting. The world of art isn't for the weak, thus the expression 'starving artist'.

on Today at 3:39am
THE COOKIE HAS BEEN TAKEN, this feud is over. get back to your normal lives pl0x.

on Today at 3:35am
Yes, but does that make others weak for leaving over theft? Moogie found her avatar that she made in memorial to MJ stolen and parts slapped into a kawaii. Gryphon found people trying to trick her and pretend to be her friend so they could get her personal and wear it around whirled. Moogie herself has also been impersonated many times. Every time you see someone steal your work it kills a bit of you inside, and these people felt like leaving whirled because the community was more willing to abuse them than embrace them for the wondrous contributions they made to the community. --- And we are still being off topic. Why exactly should video avatars be in the shop when they are taken from places like nico nico douga or youtube?

[Kept Anonymous]
on Today at 3:31am
*shrugs* I took the cookie so I shouldn't say much more. But yeah, I've been stolen from too, and yes it's frustrating but if you haven't noticed by now I'm stubborn and what people say or do doesn't drag me down, just makes me fight harder.

on Today at 3:31am
As a side note I have fallen for your tiresome arguments and strayed far away from the topic about video avatars. I don't see why people are so up in arms about it, since I pointed out that this was someone else's work. We should honor other people's flash videos, not rip them.

on Today at 3:26am
I wouldn't call an artist weak for being fed up with art theft. I've had my art stolen before, it's frustrating, and I can see why it'd be so draining for artists like Gryphon and Moogie who ended up getting stolen from a lot.

[Kept Anonymous]
on Today at 3:24am
(anonymous) does want a cookie... T3T and that is thier choice to quit. How is it your problem that they were too weak to stick up for themselves. If I was as weak as them I would have quit long ago, since I have been under the antikawaii's watchful eye. *noms cookie* *offers clair a scone* 8D

on Today at 3:06am
So how is pointing out that a flash video shouldn't be an avatar a pessimistic view? Want a real pessimistic view? How about this: artists like Moogie, Gryphon and Version 2.0(sort) left whirled due to art theft and bad practices with kawaiis. That's pessimistic, and I am sticking up for artists on whirled and getting a lot of flak for it because of that.

on Today at 3:06am
(anonymous) wants a cookie? if you say yes your feud with Shael will be over! if you don't accept this generous offer you will die in pain!

[Kept Anonymous]
on Today at 3:05am
In the end, I'm the one who is making all the bling from the shop even though they are 'recolors'. Now make something nice and chase my avatars from the shop and I migh consider you a threat. Right now you only seem like desperate people who only have thier nasty words on thier side.

[Kept Anonymous]
on Today at 3:02am
Okay, honestly, I have better things to do other than making alternate accounts. Honestly, do I seem that desperate that I have to make one? You guys seem desperate that you have to accuse me of that. Once again with the false accusations, hm? And calling me the posterboy for the 'nonartists' is the equivilent as calling me a 'nonartist'. And while we are at it, can we call it something that sounds a little bit more gramatically correct? Like... psuedo-artist? Maybe you guys should spend your time making something worthwhile instead of insulting people in public comments and making youself seem classless and desperate. I was defending myself as well -- I simply said that I like this avatar and Shael should stop saying negative things to other people. I can take her pessamistic veiws, other people cannot.

on Today at 3:01am
And what would be the likelihood that the hypothetical group of people would time themselves to rate after (anonymous) posts? Especially given the hours for those of us who are on the west side of the globe, it's not very likely. Can anyone provide evidence that there isn't any alt accounts being used?

on Today at 2:59am
you rate comments down cause ur DUMB

on Today at 2:48am
Anything can easily be considered hard effort by the Creator; It takes a critique to give you opinion. As said that you spent days on making a new dress on a ripped Kawaii base, then the result certainly does not show said effort. Also, there was only two people here who claimed that you have a rate mob, and for valid reasons too. This is no arguement; Shael was simply stating that this avatar is a video and theft of art assets. You then felt the need to waltz in and bring up a somewhat irrelevant topic and provoked Shael to speak. You were not the one defending.

Andrōsynth Xilion
on Today at 2:47am
Because the same group of people couldn't POSSIBLY be watching this thread, and voting their opinions. That never happens. It sounds like the poor excuse of someone in denial of the fact that their overly-critical and opinionated selves aren't welcome.

on Today at 2:47am
I wasn't calling you a nonartist, I said that I was making you a poster boy for the nonartist. Your practices on whirled are not very artistic ones, and the people you support on whirled are not very artistic either.

[Kept Anonymous]
on Today at 2:45am
And by the way, Shael. i wasn't talking about you in regards to bringing up the previous arguement, I was talking about your drones. And also, I plan on becoming a photographer for a living. Calling me a non-artist is insulting. I never call you names do I? now you are just being petty.

[Kept Anonymous]
on Today at 2:44am
*sighs* why in the world would I make tons of alt. accounts when I was too lazy to make my own? My friend actually made this one for me. And also, why is it that so many people are watching this? Honestly, if I didn't know any better this is a way for the antikawaii to attack me without attacking my kawaii. Now I wouldn't necessarily call my avatars recolors, Naozumie! A lot of mine have added actions, animations, and are reshaped and deocrated to the point it takes me hours upon hours to complete. Please don't lump me in with the people who use the paint bucket on a few body parts and post it in the shop. Now I have to say that, why is it when people back my opinion people think that there are alternate accounts who are supporting me? Why can't I just have support like Shael does? This is an honest arguement between Shael and I and yet I see more and more of her drones being included into it?

on Today at 2:39am
Why is it that whenever Shael comments, and (anonymous) replies, Shael's comment ratings go down by 5-8, and (anonymous)'s goes up by the same amount? Looks like (anonymous) is using an alt. acc. mob. This is a video, not an avatar; It should go in the video section. You shouldn't feel the need to dog on Shael, who's time on Whirled is constantly unpleasant due to trying to encourage creativity and effort. She works to rid the Whirled of effortless recolors and recloths, much like the ones in your shop, (anonymous).

on Today at 2:24am
I underlined you mostly to make an example. I could have gone in everyone's galleries and profiles and said something in direct response to their comments but I figured it would be best to sort of have one example sum it up altogether. I was pretty much making you a poster child for shadow bane's side because it was convenient. That is simply it, it was mostly highlighting a point to represent what I thought of the other side(that is a lot of shadowbane's supporters were indeed kawaii editors and non-artists).

on Today at 2:23am
Well maybe you can express your opinion without making this argument all about you. Since I checked back on the comments it seems I was mostly talking about art theft more than you.

[Kept Anonymous]
on Today at 2:18am
I was simply expressing my opinion on this one. Mainly because I happen to like this. On the other grounds, when I was defending my friend, you SINGLED ME OUT. Underlined a statement of mine, and even posted a screencap of my shop items on the thread. How is that not singling me out, Shael? Maybe you should think about your previous actions before you talk. Also, on almost everysingle avatar I have posted you left a nasty comment.

on Today at 2:01am
Huh, odd, I think it was you who came into this comment thread first when you could have been silent. All the other points of conversation just somehow came up because you have this idea that I am singling you out or something. I criticized you and your practices, end of story, and you should learn to move on instead of white knighting all the art thieves on whirled who I happen to critique as well.

[Kept Anonymous]
on Today at 1:59am
I don't. I used it as the fact that I am a credible source to be backing him. However, in this conversation, I didn't even bring it up at all. I had to defend myself. Now whirled is a place for fun and I shouldn't constantly have to defend myself against you. i am well aware of art theft, Shael. It has happened to me many times before. Point is, maybe you are focusing too much on being your definition of 'rightous' and 'moral' to even enjoy your experience on whirled and also destroy everyone else's.

on Today at 1:53am
So you're saying I have no proof of my claims? What claims are they exactly? If I recall I was simply saying that you are making quite a claim for a kawaii editor, and that it had nothing to do with the argument. That aside, I think you are bragging when you have nothing to brag on. This is an argument about ART THEFT, not how much of an expert godly anime artist you are. Why do you make this about you?

[Kept Anonymous]
on Today at 1:50am
^-^ I say it to defend myself. I use the base because I like it, and lets face it, unlike all you guys I'm too damn busy to waste all of my time making a bunch of new crap no one really likes. If anything, that's proof of me being an award winning artist in itself. I don't have TIME to waste on whirled, because I actually have a life. And, if you look, I didn't start it this time, and you are too dense to realize that it DID indeed have something to do with both arguements. Whoopsie there on your part. And it is slander in fact because you have no proof to down me... in the least. And yet, you do it. Also, even though obviously that arguement is over, you sladered ShadowBane's name although he did nothing wrong whatsoever. I will not claim that this creator made this vid, because they did not, but I stand by my claim that Shadow's wings were handdrawn. I was there. I would know. So yes, you guys know absolutely NOTHING about me and should back off. Get a life other than insulting people you don't really know.

on Today at 11:58pm
And once again you make the claim of having original avatars and being an award-winning artist. However, I don't think you are getting what I am saying. You are claiming to be a great artist when it has nothing to do with the debate. The first time you claimed to be a great artist was when you were defending a person who was stealing gryphon's art. Now you are bringing up that you are an award winning artist when someone is posting a video that is not theirs. See a pattern here? You are pretty much only saying you are a great artist when the topic is about theft, as if to say that you are right and we are wrong because you're an artist. :/

on Today at 11:56pm
You must be getting me wrong- I don't put words in your mouth, I just debunk the general gist of your argument. Slander is when you speak lies about people and try to misrepresent it as truth. Libel is the written form of slander. In the end slander and libel are meant to hurt another through false claims. I have never made any false claims about you- I have taken screenshots of what you said, unedited, and pointed out how the things you said seemed contradictory.

D. Regulus.exe
on Today at 11:35pm
Also, They are kawaii recolors with little effort put into them, no new states or actions.

D. Regulus.exe
on Today at 11:28pm
2 to a -10*

D. Regulus.exe
on Today at 11:27pm
I post a comment. A few minutes later, My rating is from a 2 to a 1. Nothing more than to expect from Kawaii recolorers though.

[Kept Anonymous]
on Today at 11:23pm
and perhaps there is no alt account mob and simply people just don't value your opinions?

[Kept Anonymous]
on Today at 11:22pm
why should I even have to prove anything to you? But if you must insist, look under konoha clan. I have an avatar of Akamaru that my friend and I worked on together. I have two more coming out soon. And 'horrid kawaii recolors' isn't what about 100 or more people would describe them. ^-^ I would say something quite nasty to you, but honestly, you aren't worth my time.

D. Regulus.exe
on Today at 11:17pm
Also, (anonymous), Prove it. So far you have released nothing but horrid kawaii recolors.

D. Regulus.exe
on Today at 11:16pm
Someone got an alt account mob of about 10 and altered the comments ratings. Mature.

[Kept Anonymous]
on Today at 11:16pm
How is it not slander when you take everything I say and twist it against me? *smiles* I just feel like you have been harassing me enough about my kawaiis and here you are moving onto a whole new feild of avatars. LAY OFF. Simple as that. And I am in advanced art, I have made avatar bases from scratch, and I have won awards. What do you all REALLY know about me except for what I disclose to you? You have no right to use it against me. I would suggest you climb into a little hole and stop commenting on things when it just makes you seem like a hateful and hurtful person. This arguement isn't making either of us look good. ^-^

on Today at 10:52pm
Technically it's not slander. It's not even libel. I give you critique and I argue with you but everything I say about you doesn't fall under either libel or slander :/

D. Regulus.exe
on Today at 10:30pm
Shael has valid points on both of you though, You recolor kawaiis and claim to be an expert, and this person is stealing a video and posting on Whirled making coins off of no effort, Just like how you are getting bling off of little effort.

[Kept Anonymous
on Yesterday at 9:57pm
*shrugs* If someone else posts it cheaper how is that my issue? In fact, how is that YOURS. I'm just saying that you have decided to bug ME enough, slandering me and trying to make ME look bad. I won't allow you to find a new victim ^-^

on Yesterday at 8:17pm
scratch that, its probably not a frame by frame animator

on Yesterday at 8:13pm
It isn't going to be an original one in youtube, mostly because the creator is japanese, but the original is here http://www.nicovideo.jp/watch/sm8628149 , it was made using the nico maker which probably is frame by frame animators

☆Starlight Blank☆-GG-
on Yesterday at 6:16pm
Please post reference to the original youtube video! thank you! And also please note the niconico douga link as well!
Post comment...

on Yesterday at 4:55pm
Shael is right, posting stuff that you didn't made yourself is pretty much stealing. Beside that Shael isn't really inflicting negativity, but instead a fact.

on Yesterday at 8:52am
To clarify on my last post, if he was to make his own work he'd have the luxury of protection of his work by the moderators. However, because he used a third party source, someone else could submit the bad apple video for a cheaper price and possibly beat him out in sales, and that would be allowed as you can't hold claim over someone else with third party content.

on Yesterday at 8:51am
I like how you call it inflicting negativity. I think my complaints are pretty valid- someone is submitting work he did not do for his own benefit, and other people who make their own avatars must compete with premade work that could be submitted by pretty much picking and choosing what he so pleases on youtube. Of course, this is a disbenefit to the poster as well, as he can't prevent others from posting the same video, and therefore has no protection over this particular avatar.

[Kept Anonymous]
on Yesterday at 4:01am
I mean that you bug me enough, and I don't want you inflicting your negitivity onto others. e.e

on Yesterday at 12:42am
What do you mean "poor, outside people?" And I think this is even worse than a kawaii. It's pretty much taking someone's work unedited and selling it for profit. No work is done on the submitter's behalf, it's just taking whatever he so pleases with disregard to the original artist.

[Kept Anonymous]
on Nov 07 at 8:50pm
WHOA I LOVE THIS SO COOL! 5/5! And hush Shael >:T bug me but not poor outside people.

on Nov 07 at 8:55am
It is really cool, but I think the shop should be for our own work, not stuff that we just happen to find on the internet.
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