The conversation with Rouge, the art thief (concerning something on whirled only)

Jul 13, 2009 16:24

Rouge the Bat™
on Today at 12:01am

Lately I've been noticing a lot of avys that should DIE. I'm seriously getting sick and tired of looking at them. Theres also a few creators that I dislike as well.

Long ago when I joined Whirled I first noticed the Kawaiis that were made and I loved them. I used to think Gnolls were better but lately Whirled has changed. Everyone has gotten to that base and have tried to "Recolor" the avys. When I joined I even made a small amount of Gnolls and Kawaiis but it was only for Sonic and SSBB characters. I enjoyed it while it lasted and when Kawaiis weren't being overused by noobs so much. I will give a little credit to those that have actually grabbed those bases and added their own actions and states. Same goes for the Kawaiis. And I hate how people try to say they're pro at making avys when all they do is STEAL someone elses base and recolors it.

Gnolls have stopped showing up in the shops lately...Not sure why but it sorta needs to stay out anyway.

Another avy I'm starting to hate seeing are those ugly little Chittens that are nothing but remakes from the original. I mean seriously...they all look the same no matter how big or small they are. You can tell something was ripped from one avy and moved over to make a new one. People are starting to overuse those too. The only person I give props to about those chittens is Meph cause he makes those avys look a hell of a lot better then the original. At least he changes it up a bit.

Eevees are being over used WAY too much too. I'm actually getting sick of looking at recolors. No one even tries to add new states or actions. They're trying to mix Kawaiis with Eevees now too....Come on...Stop while you're ahead.

If you're mad about this post. Oh well. My opinion. Deal with it.

Got any avys you're sick of lookin at? Post your rants here

on Today at 12:26am
Avatars that I am sick of? Well, I could be totally honest. Sprite avatars, mostly because they are actual copyrighted materials owned by a company and people are profiting off of it- and if there are any groups that could take legal action against whirled, it would be companies like Nintendo :/

Whirled should try to cover it's ass when it comes to these matters. At least Cherub can consent to his work being sold, and it wouldn't be viable for him to sue the own company he works for. It just disturbs me to see that stuff get sold.

Oh, and things that are traced. Tracing gets to me for some reason, it's pretty much another spin on copying and stealing. Case in point.
(this is where I posted the picture attached)

Rouge the Bat™
on Today at 12:52am

You think it was traced but it wasn't It's pretty easy to get an image and start from scratch. It's not exact so stfu. No one likes you anyway.

on Today at 12:53am
Hey, if you can call out on the chittens then I am assuming that any avatar is fair game.

Rouge the Bat™
on Today at 1:02am

Like I said It's my opinion. No one even asked you to join in. I'm sure theres more then just me that hate that avy anyway. Learn how to suck it up and accept it. I know how I create my avys so what you think about me...I could care less about. If you were mature enough you'd just let it slide. Grow up.

Marie-Elana wrote:
I'm sorry, I'm just amused at where you say "It's not exact so stfu. No one likes you anyway." and then you say "grow up"

In your first post you asked for open opinions. You also said that if people didn't like your opinion then they would just have to deal with it. Why then is it inherently bad that I have an opinion too? By your logic, shouldn't you just "deal with it?"

Rouge replied- See. Thing is. You're known to piss people off in small form of way but try not to look like it's bad. And I have noticed it and heard from it from people you think are your friends but truely aren't. Sure I had my say eariler and I can get away with it anyway. If you're gonna be here then keep your comments to a minimum. Especially when it comes to me. I don't take to well to certain people. I hear enough from people and I see it.

Marie-Elana wrote:
In the meantime how about you go credit all the people you took art from for your avatars, and say sorry to them individually for taking their art and profiting from it?

This for your inuyasha.
This for your falco.
This for your Ho-oh
This for your espio. (these all had links to the deviations)

Her response-

You're kidding right? Just cause I look at a reference doesnt mean I have to credit someone for working on something I made. Marie. Seriously get out if you're not gonna stay on topic.

Marie-Elana wrote:
Uhhh, even if you eyeballed it you are using someone's art for profit. I can do a side by side on some of these and can see parts that are heavily copied, if not traced.

It's called a "Line Tool" Not too hard to do. It smooths the look of avys. You should use it sometime on your chittens. But again...Stay on topic. You're gonna make me break my own rule by me wasting my typing skills on you.

my response-

I use the line tool as well to trace- the things I trace are my own sketches or my friend's sketches with their permission. It still doesn't mean that you aren't taking the art.

Also I don't see how this is off topic. You asked us what avatars we don't like- I listed traced and stolen avatars and this is just a further elaboration of that topic.

Rouge- No your failing attempt to try to get me to do something I dont even have to is off topic. Thats not opinions. Thats just trying to cause a scene. You've already stated what avys you dont like and we can see that now. Save the conversations to some new people that haven't spoken.

me- You're just making excuses to simply not edit the description and say "Oh by the way, I based this off of this guy's pic [link]"

Rouge-  Sheesh you want me to so bad? Yet I don't have to. Your attempts are failing. And theres plenty of people out there that happen to trace and don't give credit. How about you go to them and jump down their throats instead. You made this situation look so stupid when you could've said that in the first place. You try way too hard. : /

Me- Actually, you not only have to credit, but you need written consent.

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