Mission is something close to my heart. It is what I want to do with my life. Many times I feel frustrated where I am now (teaching in a local high school, being in Perth, etc.) because I want to be out there instead. But I know that where I am now, is prep-time. Even as I attended the
Kairos course in May, God spoke through one of the facilitators. She said that I'm still here because God's holding me back. He's moulding me but this process is not a quick one, nor can it be hurried in my time.
I've just recently been accepted as a missions apprentice in my home church in Singapore. That's exciting news for me. I'll be travelling to the Phillippines this December, and remain there for a month. I'll be assisting the work of the missionaries already there and also conducting English classes. I'll write more about the specifics at a later date.
So Why Missions?
There is a Need
Mission exist where worship doesn't. We live in a time where it is now more possible than ever that every tribe and tongue will proclaim His name. Compare to when Christianity first began with the aposotles, for every believer, there were 600 over unbelievers. Today, the ratio is much closer to one believer to six unbelievers. Most of these unbelivers reisde what is known as the
10/40 window, an area with the greatest poverty and lowest quality of life.
Throughout the Bible
The call to missions begins in the Old Testament with Abraham's call. The nation of Israel was blessed to be a blessing. Only she did not obey.
The first cross-cultural missionary is also in the Old Testament. Jonah's aversion to Ninevah was largely due to the fact that they were Gentiles. Jonah did not want God's mercy, grace and favour to extend to those he felt were not the Chosen.
Therefore Go
For a long time, the Church has relegated missions as something that is a mere part of the Christian life. But that is not right. Missions is central to life a Christian. The Great Comission does not say "Therefore some of you will go and make disciples of all nations." It says, "Therefore go". A command to all of us who follow Chirst. Therefore we must go.
Beautiful Feet
Unless we go, they will not hear.
How, then, can they call on the one they have not believed in? And how can they believe in the one of whom they have not heard? And how can they hear without someone preaching to them? And how can they preach unless they are sent? As it is written, "How beautiful are the feet of those who bring good news!" - Romans 10:14-15
Missions Monday is a series that I began writing to increase awareness of missions. It's also an opportunity for me to do some research. It hasn't been regular but I hope to feature it more soon. Previous Missions Monday entries are:
10 Ways to Avoid Becoming a Missionary,
Society for the Picking of Apples and
10/40 Window.