Hello dear blog-readers! I'm making a direct address to you today regarding a matter of utmost importance. As you know, I have
recently begun my new job as a full-time English teacher in a local high school (which I refer to as "the College"). My students are very computer/internet-savvy and they think I am not. (Case in point, when I catch them playing games on the computer, I ask them to exit. They often minimize the window rather than close it, thinking I don't know the difference. And when I insist they exit, they are very disappointed they can't fool me.) But I digress.
This is my request: If you do know me in real life (or know more details about me than I reveal here), please do not mention (in your comments here or on your own blogs) my full name or the name of the school I am teaching in. I would like to ensure that my students do not discover this blog, and keep my online privacy. Should the dark day come that they do discover this blog, I may have to remove it and delete its contents.
I would like to be able to have an online identity to interact with my students. But at present, this blog is not something I would like them to know about. I may, in the future, start a separate one.
Thank you for your co-operation! =)
(I do apologise that all my posts these days are work-related. A job hazzard. I can't even have conversations about non-teaching topics anymore. But I promise this will fade soon.)