2010, it's time for goodbyes. Get those fireworks out, 2011.

Dec 31, 2010 15:21

It's that time again when you're on the verge of saying your farewells and lighting up the skies with hellos to a beginning. And in these last days of 2010, it's been an eye-opener.

December 31st is that day when you've gone from shaking your head at the mistakes made and problems overlooked to that forehead-smacking instant when you realize the obvious solutions. Ooooh, you think, now I get it.  But then it is also the time when you finally see what the madness has led to - the new friendships, stronger convictions, that fire made of determination to get things right this time around.

2010 is over, and while the quandaries it been flaunting may still be hanging around, you can be sure that starting tomorrow, it's going to be different because you plan on making it so. Yes, you'll probably wake up tomorrow, looking up at your ceiling (or staring at your floorboards depending on how hard you'll party tonight) and you'll think, "Nothing's changed."

Really though, everything has changed - the date, yourself, your state of being. gave you experiences (scraped knees in a child's frame of mind) to laugh about, to carve new mantras out of and to learn  bit of wisdom from (e.g. cocktails with names made by your friends are either the best ideas ever made in history or the worst drinks you'll ever have the privilege of tasting).

As you're lighting up those fireworks, drinking to the new year, you gotta have that hope. Not to be cheesy, but 2010 changed us all. For better of for worse, it over and done with. And for a few moments into 2011, it's all bursting with life and that good feeling knowing you've made it through 2010.

Let's hope that the pains of 2010 turn into good things in 2011, like new ideas,  and being braver. Or finding peace you thought you'd never find in life's chaos. Becoming more conscious of the world and active about your principles. Hell, maybe all-together unrelenting in your plans to chase your dreams (or to at least survive whatever phase you're been going through, like high school or life bumming about).

Tomorrow, like every other tomorrow really, is a chance. We can be the game-changer. So start counting your blessings, kiddies, because in 24 hours we get a reset. And we better make it awesome.

resolution, dream, wishes, plans, ideas, new year's

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