Where no one knows your name...

Nov 23, 2010 21:10

Yes, this would be ideal.

Discovering a place where no one knows your name is just one of the reasons why traveling is so liberating.

When I visit new places & meet new people, it is almost like a clean slate. You get to be who you are without having to adjust to society. And there's just this feeling of getting to put your best foot forward, b/c of the high you get when you're in this new place.

The possibilities are there, but they seem magnified, more realistic when you've let loose. I feel free from the expectations everyone piles on me. Free to choose my own path without having to explain myself repeatedly; all because I don't fit the stereotypical mold they've set.

Going somewhere always feels like a new beginning, a release, that moment when you let your breath out after holding it for so long. It's a chance to start over even for a little while. These are the musings of an individual stuck in a small city aka the haven of small-minded gossipy people who have no clue what the bigger picture is and are determined to make me conform to their ideal lifestyle .

I am not a clone & I will escape. Preferably to that somewhere unseen on the horizon.

- marian16rox

travel, break the mold, escape, see the world

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