(no subject)

Jul 16, 2011 06:18

Title: Anata no namae. (7/?)
Author: mariakouyou  
Rating: PG-13, for now.
Pairings: AoixUruha
Genre: Drama, abuse, fluff, cursing, drug use & angst.
Disclaimer: I just own the storyline, not these gorgeous men. *sob*
Summary: Yuu is determined to start his musical career, he has it all, talent, drive, and a possible band...but something gets in his way and perturbs his train of thought....Kouyou.

Sick is a good way to explain my current state of mind, I couldn’t think straight after all I had seen, after all I had felt. Kouyou…his name rung in my head over and over and I wouldn’t go away, I didn’t want it to. I stayed up all night just thinking of ways to help him, help him get his revenge. I knew in one way or another I had become like Kouyou’s protector and I couldn’t bear to see anyone hurt him. I couldn’t even imagine what I’d do if I had the chance to confront the Daisuke guy, I might just rip him to shreds, but I knew I had to be quiet about this whole ordeal…Takanori couldn’t find out…Akira either.

‘Yuu!’ I heard my name being called, my head still throbbing and my neck sore as all hell from the horrible way I slept the previous night, ‘Yuu, I’m going out today, just to run some errands.’ Takanori’s soft voice spoke. ‘You don’t look well at all…would you like some medication?’ I looked at his face, all I wanted was to sleep, but his endearing look made me do otherwise. ‘Yes, I’d love some...Please.’ I sounded like I was begging, but my head was about to explode; I didn’t have any other option.

‘I left food in the microwave…onigiri and taiyaki, just in case you get hungry later, I don’t know how long I’ll take.’ Takanori was speaking to himself almost, I could see his body moving all around the kitchen but it all looked blurry to me. ‘Here, take these and rest.’ He handed me two brightly colored pills and then ruffled my hair. He grabbed his car keys off the counter in one swift more; I almost envied how graceful Takanori could be. ‘I’ll call you when I’m on my way.’ And before I could answer him, he was gone.

I went to fetch myself a glass of water and then I swallowed both pills, the bitter taste hitting my taste buds almost instantly. ‘Ahhh..’ I took another gulp and then set the glass down. ‘What to do...What to do?’ I thought out loud, I’d never really gotten to be in Takanori’s house alone before.

I trekked up the stairs and then stared at the closed door of his room. Is it true? Did curiosity really kill the cat? Was I about to be one of the felines pronounced dead on the afternoon news?

There was only one way to find out, right? I steadily walked towards Takanori’s room and then turned the knob. Last time I was in there, I was simply looking for him; perhaps this time I’d find a little something more.
The loud creaking noise of the door let me know that I was safely inside, and quickly the aroma of incense hit me like rapid fire. That damn smell, I cursed. It irritated my nostrils but at the same time I couldn’t complain. The mood of the room was suddenly lifted; the haze from the incense making the room look almost like a worshipping place rather than a bedroom.

I marveled at his belongings and wondered if he was a hoarder of some sort, because he sure had a lot of things. Things that looked old, things that looked new; his entire wall was covered in a myriad of antiques, books, and rare china. It was almost tempting to go up and touch one of the precious relics, but sure enough my butter fingers would end up dropping something and then I’d probably owe Taka half a billion bucks!
I felt like I had just wondered into a museum, I walked around, looking at everything with such precision and I really took my time studying each item. Everything in Takanori’s room told me a little something more about him, and it made me feel almost a little closer to him. I cared a lot about him, he had opened his doors to me when no one else did, and he believed in our small dream of making a band. Those things mattered so much to me, and I couldn’t be happier that Takanori had the same ambitions as me.

As I looked through the endless shelves Takanori had in his room, I studied the spines of the books he had, some of them looked damn right ancient and I couldn’t help but pick one up. I looked at the cover. Blank. Nothing, not even a small title, the first page was slightly covered in dust and I didn’t want to touch it, especially because I’m highly allergic. I lightly flipped the page over and realized the book wasn’t a book, it was a photo album.

The first picture was a picture of a small child, the picture was old and slightly deteriorating from its age, but I could still make out the child’s face. It was clearly a picture of Takanori from when he was a child, it had to be; the nose and the eyes were just like Takanori’s. The next picture was a picture of a woman, a beautiful woman at that. She had beautiful long black hair, a slim frame and a pretty smile. Obviously I didn’t know who she was, but I could’ve guessed it was Takanori’s mother. I kept looking through the album, staring at each picture like I was studying for a big test. I flipped and flipped, each picture getting more and more interesting. I came to the last page of the album, there was only one picture and it was obvious that Takanori was in the picture.

He must have been no older than fifteen or sixteen; his hair dyed a funky mix of green with blue and his face just like it was in the mornings when he had no makeup on, clean and beautiful, his flaws only adding to his natural beauty. But next to him, there was an older man, someone who looked like he could be his grandpa but he looked far too young. I stared at this picture the most, something within me became intrigued, my eyes scanning it over and over.

‘That’s my uncle.’ I heard a voice call out from behind me; I panicked and closed the book shut. ‘T-T-Taka..nori..’ I stuttered as I stood up, ‘Sorry, I-I was just cleaning and I came across that and-…’ ‘It’s fine Yuu, no really.’ He was leaning against his door frame, his keys still in hand. ‘I forgot my car keys…’ he said, ‘But I thought you took those with you?’ I asked, ‘Except those were the mail keys…’ he laughed, ‘so I checked the mail while I was outside, read a card from my mom and then a card from my aunt. And then I came back inside and saw my door open…’ He looked over at me, one eyebrow raised, ‘I see you’ve been digging around.’ An amused chuckle escaped his mouth as he sat on his bed.

‘You know, if you want to know more about me, why don’t you just ask?!’

I looked at him, my right hand still clutching the photo album tightly. ‘Y-You said he’s your uncle...’ I tried changing the subject, ‘Yes.’ He replied, his eyes looking down at the floor. ‘He passed away when I was sixteen.’

‘Oh, I’m so sorry.’ I whispered. ‘It’s okay.’ Takanori bit down on his bottom lip tentatively, and then he looked back at me, his short blonde hair making his face look almost angelic as small strands shaped his face out beautifully. ‘He was the only one who believed in me.’ He murmured, ‘Only one in my family who actually thought I had a chance. Everyone else was like, ‘You’re useless Takanori. You only know how to make this family look bad, no one’s ever going to want you. You’re a disgrace.’ But not him, he’d sit down and listen to me. He would take me to the music store and buy me cassettes, he cared about music the way I do.’ I could sense Takanori was about to cry as he spoke, but he remained composed.

‘I-I didn’t know... ’ was all I could say, I didn’t know what else to say to make things better. I didn’t really have a way with words; all I could do was listen. Takanori half smiled at me and then sighed, ‘No one knows, because I don’t tell anyone.’ I sat down next to him, still holding the album with dear life. ‘H-How did he...pass on?’ I gulped. ‘He was a very sick person Yuu.’ Takanori whispered hesitantly, ‘Ever since I can remember, he would always have pains that were insufferable, but he never let me know that he was slowly dying. He’d always come visit me with a new cassette in hand for us to listen together. I was so young and naïve when all of this was going on, so I didn’t realize how sick he was until that one day my mother tells me we need to go to the hospital. I get dressed, unbeknownst to everything, we arrive. I sit and wait…hours pass and then my mother comes out crying. I hug her and she whispers, ‘He’s gone.’

‘At first I didn’t know who ‘he’ was, no one told me anything ever, but then I found out who ‘he’ was and I cried like I’ve never cried in my life….’ Takanori’s eyes suddenly teared up, then he clutched my hand, seeking some form of comfort and I was more than willing to give it to him. ‘L-Later I find out he had a tumor in his brain, and his body was too weak for medications. He died after a long battle of pure pain. I didn’t want to believe it Yuu, I just didn’t. He w-was the only one who’d listen to me…You don’t know how much I miss him, still to this day, now that I’m 23 almost 24…He’d be so proud of me because I’m chasing my dream..He knows I’ll make it big someday Yuu, he knows.’

I threw my arms around Takanori’s body almost instantly; I buried my nose in his hair as he cried into my chest. All this time I knew there was something that drove Takanori…the fuel in his soul and heart are the words from his uncle. Everything he stands up and everything he believes in, it’s all for his uncle who believed in him.

‘Y-You know…’ Takanori whispered against me, his voice muffled ‘He’d always tell me something…always.’ ‘What would he tell you?’ I asked; my arms still tightly around him. ‘H-He’d always tell me to never forget myself and to be just as I am. He always reminded me to stay true to me and most importantly, to my heart.’ I listened carefully to Takanori’s words, knowing exactly what he meant. Staying true to oneself was the key to success, and I began to fully understand why I had met Takanori; it was indeed fate.

Kouyou’s problems still ran through my mind, back and forth, pacing endlessly. But Takanori needed mental support and I was willing to help him, because he was helping me. I found myself in a tight spot, my mind didn’t want to believe it, but my heart was beginning to develop feelings for Taka. Crazy, yes, but one doesn’t control who he or she falls in love with. I knew I had feelings for Kouyou, especially because of how feeble and helpless he was, but Takanori had just shown me a side of him I didn’t even know existed.
I had seen the human side of Takanori. The one that isn’t all made up and fabulous.

I wanted to keep telling myself I only wanted Kouyou, but the warmth Takanori’s body was giving me, made me forget Kouyou even just for a slight second. But I couldn’t leave Kouyou, I just couldn’t. I promised him, and I don’t break promises.

‘Yuu…’ Takanori breathed against me, ‘Thank you for being here.’ My heart sped up at his words, ‘Don’t even mention it Taka, I’m always here for you, always.’ I looked at him and then his little brown eyes gazed up at me. ‘Yuu..’ he whispered, and instinctively our faces got closer, my heart racing, pounding, the beating out of control…but before I could stop this from happening…Takanori’s lips were against mine….

( AN: I AM SO SORRY I MADE U  WAIT SO LONG /gets shot. LOL :C I suck. I KNOW. BUT NOW YOU KNOW A BIT OF TAKANORI'S SIDE OF THE STORY!!! HEEHEHEH. :D short chap I know. it will begin to get juicy. ;D NGL I cried writing this X___X )
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