(no subject)

Jun 25, 2011 18:47

Title: jellyfish and stardust.
Rating: G
Pairings: RukixReita
Genre: fluff & drabble
Disclaimer: I just own the storyline, not these gorgeous men. *sob*
Summary: my little speck of stardust.

It’s a crazy kind of feeling, no? The feeling of being head over heels for someone. Feeling so latched up in love and not knowing what anything else is. But not everything’s a fairytale. There’s no fireworks when we kiss, you’re not a toad I had to kiss in order for you to turn into a prince. I won’t turn into a pumpkin at midnight either, but I do recall seeing small specks of glitter when we kiss.

It’s a magical feeling, being so close with you, feeling your hands grabbing mine. I’m so weak compared to you, you usually have to help me up whenever I want to pretend I’m five and get on the slide. But you act just like me, and that’s why we get along so well.

I love sitting down at night, your head on my lap, my fingers fiddling with your spiky blonde hair and you with your nose uncovered. It’s beautiful to look up and see the sky lit up, some stars even twinkle and it reminds me of the twinkle I see when your lips press against mine.

Your hand is rough and manly, and mine soft and child-like. You kiss my knuckles whenever I’m happy, and you kiss my forehead whenever I’m scared. I feel safe around you, and sometimes a bit fearless.

I had a small phobia about the ocean when I was growing up. All I remember was going to the beach once and seeing a slimy creature swimming by, me being a little kid, curious as ever, touched it and got stung.

I ran to my mother and showed her my hand, she told me to not go back in the water because too many jellyfish were out. I remember being forever scared of the ocean and of jellyfish because of the pain the small creature caused me.

I told you about this and you merely laughed at me, I got a little offended considering it was a personal struggle though I’ve gotten better. But you decided it would be fun to take me to an aquarium.

One of your many surprise dates, right? I got inside your car and shook uncontrollably because I didn’t want to go to the aquarium. I made up all the excuses in the book, but you bought none of them. Finally when we arrived, you squeezed my hand tightly and kissed me on my forehead, ‘Don’t be scared Taka…’ you whispered, ‘I’m going to be there with you at all times.’

That surprisingly made me feel better. But I still didn’t want to go inside.

We entered the dome like building, it was huge and dim inside. I guessed it was to perhaps simulate what the ocean looks like. The bit of walls were painted a navy blue and all that wasn’t wall was glass, a beautiful giant glass that made the place glimmer. You held my hand at all times while we walked around. We took a few pictures of the manta rays, whales, dolphins, turtles and a few colorful Caribbean fish.

So far I was having a wonderful time, especially because you were there with me, but that’s when I noticed you were taking me to the exhibition area, a large tank where they would usually have whales, dolphins or other aquatic animals so people could touch them or swim with them.

This weeks exhibition was on jellyfish.

I panicked, of course I didn’t want to go in there. But you remained calm and took me inside. ‘Just look at them Taka, they’re not going to hurt you.’ you said to me. We walked inside the room and of course everyone was lined up to touch the top of the jelly monsters and take pictures with them, but I refused.

You would smile at me and think I was silly for hiding from them, but I just didn’t want to be near them. ‘Come here Takanori.’ you said to me as you grabbed my hand, ‘Look, this jellyfish here is named Jerry.’ I smiled nervously as you lightly touched the top part of it, ‘You do it.’ you said.

‘No way Aki!’ I retorted, ‘There’s no way I’m even…-’ Then suddenly you kissed me right on my lips, your kiss reassuring and loving, and that’s when I saw the specks of stardust fall from the corners of my eyes. ‘Please…’ you breathed against my mouth, ‘They’re not going to hurt you.’

It took all of me to raise my hand from where it was and then put it in the water. I could feel the gelatinous creature under the palm of my hand, and surprisingly enough I felt nothing. ‘These jelly monsters, like you call them..’ you began, ‘Can only hurt you with their tentacles, the head isn’t going to hurt you.’ you leaned forward and kissed me once more, ‘See Taka, you didn’t have to be scared.’

I ghosted my hand over the jellyfish’s head once more and then smiled, ‘I’m not scared anymore…’ I whispered, ‘And I wont ever be.’ I grinned at you and then squeezed your hand as you brought both our hands towards your mouth and kissed my knuckles. “Good, don’t be…my little speck of stardust.”
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