(no subject)

Dec 29, 2010 06:51

Title: Look only at me.
Author: mariakouyou 
Rating: G
Pairings: Aoi x Uruha
Genre: drabble, fluff
Disclaimer: i don’t claim ownership of any of the characters mentioned in this story

When you look at me, and only at me, what I feel is indescribable. I have the sudden urge to run to you and embrace you. I have the urge to kiss you, to tell you I love you a million times. I can’t stop the feelings, I can’t fight the urge, please don’t look at me anymore.

What we had was merely friendly, you’d hug me, awkwardly and I’d hug you back. I would put both my arms around you, while you’d only put one. I’d ask you things whole-heartedly, while you’d only give me one word answers. I would tell you things, things that you’d consider secrets, but to me, they’re just my everyday feelings. I look at you and my heart begins to race, it thumps loudly against my chest. But the way your eyes meet with mine is dead, there’s no emotion in your stare.

I’d come up with any little excuse to come over to your place and spend time with you, you’d think I just wanna work on our guitar solos, but really, I just wanted to be near you. I love the way your home feels, the warmth about it, the way it smells just like you. That musky and manly smell that I lack, maybe that’s what I need in life, I need someone like you, someone to take charge, someone to show me things that I’m a stranger to.

Whenever I needed a friend, you were there. Whenever I needed someone to talk to, you were there. I’d make up silly stories about how I was madly in love with a girl and how I wanted her attention, you would laugh at me and tell me to just get over my fear and speak to her, because odds are, she may like me too. I would stare at you silently, and think of ways to not tell you that the ‘girl’ I was madly in love with was you.

I’d tell you that perhaps one day I would get to courage to tell her, and you’d playfully hit me on the shoulder and tell me not to be scared, you’d tell me not to worry, because even if she denied me, the world wasn’t going to end.

My eyes darted quickly to the floor when you said this to me. You just didn’t understand, if I ever told you how I felt about you and you denied me, that would kill me in more ways than one. I didn’t want your rejection, if anything; I just wanted you to tell me you felt the same way.

Months passed, even the year, as far as I can recall. Each day that passed, my heart tugged at me, it begged me to tell you, but I was scared, scared beyond belief. I didn’t want your rejection. I wanted you to love me.

The New Year began, too much time had passed, I began to ignore my heart, and I shut down any feelings I ever had for you. I’d sometimes sit outside on my balcony and look out at the stars and it would remind me of the nights I’d lay awake thinking about you. I’d fantasize so much about you telling me three simple words. I love you. Oh how sweet those words would be coming out your mouth, but I repressed the thought.

One hot summer night I sat outside my balcony, the sound of the cicadas keeping me awake and the smell of my cigarette filling my lungs, I looked to the sky and thought of you as the stars that were dashing by. Each star that filled the sky reminded me of all the chances I had to tell you, it made me feel guilty for letting them all go to waste.
I went back inside my cool apartment and sat on the couch, my apartment was oddly quiet. I sat alone in the darkness, I closed my eyes, but again, you invaded my thoughts. Suddenly the door bell rang, I ignore it, nothing important ever knocks at my door anyway. The bell rang again; I groan and get up to go answer it.

I open the door and see you standing on the other end. I could’ve sworn my heart skipped two or three beats, my eyes had to be lying to me. It couldn’t be, it just couldn’t.

But it was.

You stood outside my apartment door; your eyes were wide, full of something I’d never seen before.


You walked inside and looked at me dead in the eye, my legs shook and I felt like I was about to tip over, but you were too close to me, your body practically on top of mine. I tried to speak but no words came out, we stood in silence for another minute, then finally you got closer to me and kissed my lips.

You kissed me.

I jumped a little, but I didn’t want to pull away. This is exactly what I had wanted for so long, this is exactly what I needed.


‘Aoi…’ I breathed. You kissed me again, a tear rolling down your face. I looked at you, confusion painted across my face, ‘Why are you crying?’ I asked. You hugged me. With both arms.

‘I….’ you whispered. ‘Uruha….I love you.’

My heart beat sped up, my stomach churned, I melted, technically. I was in your arms and you said those three words to me. ‘I love you too.’ I replied. ‘I’ve loved you for so long.’

‘I know.’ You said. I looked at you again, ‘How did you know?’ ‘I can tell by the way you look at me.’ You smiled. ‘Your eyes give too much away.’ I flushed slightly. ‘Then why didn’t you say anything sooner?’

‘I was waiting for the right time.’ You replied. ‘I wanted to hear those words coming out from your lips.’

I looked away for a second. ‘You made me wait for too long…’ ‘I know.’ You said lowly.
‘And I’m sorry for that.’

I smiled.



‘Promise me you’ll just look at me from now on.’

‘I promise Uruha, my eyes have always just belonged to you and so has my heart.’

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