(no subject)

Dec 07, 2010 20:15

 Title: Solid Foundation.
Author: mariakouyou 
Rating: PG. 
Genre: Drabble / Fluff / Some mentions of sex
Pairings: Aoi x Uruha
Disclaimer: I don’t claim ownership of any of the characters mentioned in this story.
Summary: ‘Everything that’s happened between us happened for a reason, I’m sure of it. It’s taken all these years to build what we have between us and I don’t ever want to see it fall.’
Comments: I just needed to write something ;___;

‘Did anyone ever tell you that whenever you think too hard, a little vein pops out of your head?’ Uruha whispered as he traced his fingers on Aoi’s head. Aoi locked gazes with Uruha for a second. ‘I do?’ he questioned as he rubbed the spot where Uruha’s fingers had been.

‘Yes, and it’s quite adorable.’ Uruha grinned. Aoi couldn’t help but smile; he grabbed Uruha’s hand, and squeezed it tightly. ‘Has anyone ever told you that you have very kissable lips?’ Aoi said as a light blush spread across his cheeks. Uruha let a chuckle slip from the back of his throat. ‘Hm, I don’t believe so.’

‘Well, you do.’ Aoi said lowly as he inched his face closer to Uruha’s. ‘Very kissable.’ He whispered once more and didn’t hesitate on pressing his plush lips to Uruha’s, the sensation circulating his body was of pure desire and lust. But he knew well that he and Uruha had just started calling themselves an ‘item’, and he didn’t wanna ruin what had taken so long to build.

‘Aoi.’ Uruha breathed into the kiss. ‘I didn’t know…that you could kiss that well.’ Aoi savored his bottom lip; the taste of Uruha’s peppermint lip balm was both sweet and intoxicating.

‘There are a lot of things you don’t know about me quite yet.’ Aoi replied. Uruha studied him with interest in his eyes. ‘Well then, tell me. Tell me everything there is to know about you.’

Aoi swallowed hard. ‘W-well…’ he began. ‘What do you want to know?’ Uruha, almost cat-like, moved his body in a way that only he knew how to maneuver, and got close to Aoi’s face, so close, Aoi almost felt threatened. ‘Anything.’ He whispered in his ear. ‘Tell me anything.’

‘But there’s just so much about me, maybe things that won’t even interest you.’ Aoi complained. Uruha stared at him through his hooded gaze. ‘That’s impossible. Tell me things that…you wouldn’t usually tell anyone else.’

‘Secrets?’ Aoi asked. ‘Secrets, fantasies, dreams. It doesn’t matter.’ Uruha replied. ‘I want to get to know you better. I feel like I hardly know you anymore.’ Aoi huffed at that remark. ‘Well, maybe if we didn’t...let distance get between us, then maybe you’d know me better.’

‘Distance has nothing to do with it Aoi. We’re in the same band for crying out loud, you can reach me whenever you want. You just never made an effort to rebuild what we used to have.’ Uruha began. ‘…but I got the courage, just a few weeks ago.’ Aoi cut in. ‘Surprisingly you did.’

Uruha crossed his arms on his chest and stared closely at Aoi. ‘Well, I’m waiting.’ He insisted. Aoi took a deep breath. ‘Well, besides what you already know….I haven’t been, well, per se, behaving…’

‘Behaving?’ Uruha asked. ‘What do you mean?’ ‘I…I mean, I’ve been kind of pro, erm, promiscuous.’ Aoi spat out embarrassedly. ‘So, you’ve been whoring around?’ Uruha laughed. ‘That’s nothing to be too ashamed of. I did too, that is, before you told me.’ ‘So, because we’re together now, is that going to implicate troubles in me getting what I want?’ Aoi raised a brow. ‘What you want?’ Uruha repeated huskily. ‘Just being with me, you’re already getting everything you want and need.’

Aoi thought about it for a second, in a way Uruha was right. Aoi always wanted to be with Uruha, to touch him, to make him feel special, unique, to make him his. But there were boundaries Aoi wasn’t ready to cross, very intimate boundaries.

‘Am I?’ Aoi whispered with a hint of avidity in his voice. ‘God Aoi, you’re a damn pervert! Is that all you think about? Sex? Why don’t we wait a little bit, see where this relationship goes and then we’ll see.’ Uruha exclaimed aversely.

‘Hey! I wasn’t precisely asking you for it!’ Aoi yelped. ‘I know it’s soon, too soon, I was thinking we’d work something out, if you know what I mean.’ Uruha darted his eyes viciously on Aoi, almost as if though he wanted to pounce on him. ‘No, Aoi. I don’t want you going out and doing the naughty with a random skank and then coming home and cuddling with me. What do you think this is? Some sort of ride that you can get on and off whenever you want? No, if we’re gonna be together, you’re gonna have to contain yourself. Hey, God did give you a hand, didn’t he?’

Aoi was quiet, speechless if you will. ‘B-but…’ he tried to come up with words to say, maybe a valid argument, but Uruha had a point, a very indubitable point at that.

‘But nothing.’ Uruha commanded. ‘Do you love me Aoi? Do you really love me? Enough to stop thinking about yourself for a slight second, enough to stop thinking about your carnal needs….Do you?’ ‘Uruha, I love you. I love you with everything I am.’ Aoi said bashfully. ‘But I am a man…and so are you. Are you going to abstain yourself too?’

‘If that means staying true to you, then yes Aoi, I’m willing to do anything, because that’s how much I fucking love you.’ Uruha’s voice was beginning to break; he let one single teardrop run off the side of his face. Aoi extended out his arm and gently caressed Uruha’s stained cheek. ‘Uru, if it really means that much to you. I’ll do it...’

‘God Aoi, it’s not like I’m asking for much.’ Uruha whispered. ‘I’m just asking for you to hold yourself back a little bit. I’m sorry I can’t give you everything a woman can.’ ‘But you give me everything that a woman can’t.’ Aoi said as he looked into Uruha’s synthetic blue eyes. ‘You actually give me real love.’

‘A woman can love you Aoi, she can give you real love.’ Uruha said as he looked down. ‘No.’ Aoi contradicted him. ‘No woman can give me the love you have for me, the love you’ve shown me. Women usually are so dependent on men and they’re willing to end a precious relationship with the man they so called ‘love’ but you never did that. Even when we were merely friends, I’d treat you horribly, I would never return your calls, and you could’ve easily said ‘the hell with this asshole!’ but you never did, you cared enough to come to my place three weeks ago. You cared enough to hear what I had to say, and you cared enough to tell me you felt the exact same way.’

Uruha’s eyes began to water again. ‘Aoi…’ he sulked. ‘I-I don’t know what to say…’ ‘Don’t say anything Uru, you’ve said enough. I’m the idiot here; I’m always wanting something…I don’t want you getting the wrong idea.’ Aoi said as he wiped more tears away from Uruha’s face.

‘We all have our faults.’ Uruha said lowly. ‘I’m a needy bitch that always wants attention, and you always give me that attention, like you said, even back when we were friends. You’ve always been there for me though. Those late night guitar sessions, those times when I ‘accidentally’ fell and you helped me up. Those little gestures mean more than you could imagine.’

‘I’m sorry.’ Aoi sobbed quietly. ‘You have nothing to apologize for.’ Uruha’s voice rose an octave. ‘Everything that’s happened between us happened for a reason, I’m sure of it. It’s taken all these years to build what we have between us and I don’t ever want to see it fall.’

‘It’s never going to fall.’ Aoi murmured. He kissed Uruha’s forehead affectionately. ‘We have a solid foundation now.’ ‘And what would that foundation be?’ Uruha asked sympathetically.

Aoi lowered his face to meet with Uruha’s and placed a tender kiss on his lips. ‘The mutual love we share.’
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