Aug 25, 2010 01:19

I am so pissed off right now at my stupid country. In two days we were able to show how inept our police are and how stupid our women can be.

8 freaking people did not have to die. So many wrong things happened during the tourist bus hijacking. Just watching videos and seeing pictures of the event makes me cringe. OMG. Thanks a lot Filipino police force. Thanks for letting 8 people die and making the 2nd most powerful country in the world hate us. Thanks for halting further tourist revenue and showing the world how ill prepared, stupid, and untrained our police can be. Whoopdefuckingdoo.

FURTHERMORE, I would like to thank Miss Philippines for confirming to everyone that our country breeds a bunch of idiots. MAJOR MAJOR. HAHAHAHHAHAHA I mean, you could have said anything. Anything! But no. You pretty much had to say you were perfect and have never made a MAJOR MAJOR mistake in your life.

Cheers to the Philippines. Freaking A.
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