Ok, so I want to talk about one of my MANY favorite characters in Digimon.
And that guy is, this guy right here...
Daisuke "Davis" Motomiya.
I'm going to be very honest with you guys...I LOVE HIM! HE IS SO AWESOME! No seriously from the moment this guy showed up from the getgo in episode 1, I had a feeling I was gonna love him, and true enough as it progressed I adored him.
One thing I find out though growing up...watching Digimon...really puzzled me. Some people hated him?
I couldn't fathom why! I remember in my class, I'd ask a lot of my classmates, who had still been keeping up with Digimon their thoughts on the newest season of Digimon (at that time obviously Adventure 02). And most of them had the same opinion as I did. We were all excited. New Digivices, new digimon, everyone is more grown up, the new digivovling (armor digivolving), the new enemy is a human-and not a digimon! All new stuff, stuff that was different! That was cool to us...and I think at that point...only a few episodes had aired by that point, so we were still getting use to the new characters (Davis, Yolei, Cody, and Digimon Emperor/Ken) as well as their digimon.
I asked...what they all thought of the new characters. Naturally everyone thought Ken was a cool or different (different in the good way they meant) kind of villain (well when he was one at that time), because we've never had a human villain-one that was the same age as our heroes at that! Everyone mostly agreed that Yolei came off as mildly annoying, but then again, one of my friends pointed out Mimi started off as annoying too, but she turned out a GREAT character that we all love to pieces. All of us agreed that Cody was boring as heck...
Now Davis, I was surprised, that we were all split.
About half of us loved him, and about half of us hated him. This obviously shocked me. I found Davis very fun and likeable. The fact that people didn't like him shocked me. (But then again, I loved Mimi too, despite her shortcomings she had at first, so the fact that everyone hated her STILL EVEN AFTER HER CHARACTER DEVELOPMENT really shocks me too this day).
And I have to say, the reasons they all say they hated Davis...I was less than unimpressed. They all had the same reasons, it either was them accusing him of being a Tai clone, or just the fact that he replaced Tai as leader (which fans even still debate about that...yeah we digimon fans are funny like that XD), or...simply because he had a crush on Kari.
I said, "Yeah he has a crush on Kari...so, why does that matter?"
Of course, I was ignorant to the Takari fandom ^^;...as a kid you don't surf the net to find people who love your ships, I didn't even discover fanfiction until I was like almost 14, so you'll have to forgive me.
But yeah, I couldn't say I was surprised that people thought of T.K. and Kari as a couple...but a part of me felt...I don't know what the word is...maybe its because in my head...I could see WHY people would think that, but I never SAW those two that way.
Never. Not even when I was a kid. (though discussions of the Daikari and Takari pairings will be for another day).
But in my head...all stupid reasons to hate Davis. Because first off, he wasn't a Tai clone. All these characters; Davis, Yolei and Cody were meant to be blended versions of two characters on the old team. Davis-he was the blending of Courage and Friendship (Tai and Matt). Granted he has like ZERO of Matt's personality, but he does have the feirce loyalty to those he considers his friends...that Matt did. And like Tai, Davis is very brave...(sometimes a little TOO brave for his own good ^^;...coughRECKLESScough) Anyways...Yolei was supposed to be a blend of Love and Sincerity (Sora and Mimi), while Cody was the blend of Izzy and Joe (Knowledge and Reliability) .
And Davis...I would argue, felt more like a blend of (personality wise) Tai and MIMI! Because like Mimi (and Tai) he was stubborn...like Mimi, Davis was INCREDIBLY OUTGOING, no seriously, Mimi and Davis made friends VERY easily, and they were very social people who grew up having a very great and easy life-unlike the other kids that had issues to deal with-the only challenges in their life-was the life thrusted upon them-saving the digital world from evil creatures and beings threatening to destroy it and themselves.
(lol this pic is hilarious!!! Don't ask me why I put it right here, I just wanted to fit it SOMEWHERE in this post because how freaking funny it is)
But I figured whatever they'd grow out of it...and I never really brought it up again. I discover fandom, what a shipper actually is (and that I am one XD) fanfiction...all that jazz, well I never really looked up the digimon fandom, until I was in High School.
And again, I find myself shocked...apparently...if you are a Davis fan you are in a minority?! O_o
I couldn't believe it. Growing up, I was use to us being about even, though technically, more of us loved Davis than hated him, and I asked a few of my friends looking back who hated him for being a "Tai clone" and now looking at the show again, realize they were wrong in retrospect, they were just kids who were devoted fans of Tai and didn't think he should be cloned and replaced. Tai is an awesome character and I don't blame them for their worry. (however it was misplaced because Tai was STILL the leader of the entire gang, again...something else I'll go into later).
I really couldn't believe it though, and STILL the reason people hate Davis was for the same reasons, their arguments haven't changed over the years. It was either...The clone of the awesome Tai has just replaced them...or-OMG NO YOU CAN'T CRUSH ON KARI! SHE BELONGS WITH T.K.!!!
(notice how female shippers are stronger in their hate ^^;...)
I guess for me...because I love him, and I never saw him as Tai's clone, I never saw him as a replacement (because he wasn't Tai was still the leader...plus the other kids wouldn't really listen to Davis anyway =_=...so...yeah? Whatever...anyways)
Davis only really was the leader when final battles or VERY important battles occurred. Davis wasn't clever like Tai...he's an airhead (part of the reason I love him).
Davis can be even more hot-headed than Tai, leading to rash decisions...however he cooled down since then...he's not nearly as reckless when he starts out...but he's pretty "Act first then discuss later" kind of guy.
Davis didn't come up with many brilliant plans (but some of those brilliant strategies if you remember were thought out by Izzy, not Tai). But you know what he did do, that was similar to both Tai and Mimi? He brought people together. But while that was similar...he was still his own person. Tai and Mimi, couldn't quite bring people together in the same way Davis could...they just couldn't. They are they're own characters, and Davis is Davis.
Davis didn't let ANYTHING bring him down. Davis was the FIRST to jump into action, and be the last to quit...no wait-he wouldn't be quitting at all! You'd have to drag him out of there kicking and screaming! Davis is a fighter, he never gives up. It's just who he is. And if any of you say, well Tai would do that too, you are only PARTIALLY correct.
Davis never giving up, was both his greatest strength AND one of his faults. Because when its seems like a hopeless situation, they both keep fighting on...however! Whenever it looks like it isn't smart to fight the enemy, like when Kari was sick, or when Myotismon's flunkies were after Kari and the two were on the run and hiding (seeing a pattern-Tai the normally "act first" guy was hesitant in acting...he didn't want to put his sister in danger), over the course of the series, before this...you'd see Tai pushing through and wanting to continue to fight, when it seemed like it either might not be a good idea, or it should be up for discussion.
All those times, of course, Tai's foil...Matt...was there to either tell him to consider something else, or to back off, or insult him and his choice of action ^^;. Sometimes Tai was right, sometimes Matt was right, sometimes they were both right. However, Tai did back down or consider other options as he matured through the series, realizing that taking action and being gung ho all the time isn't always the best solution.
Also remember, besides being hesitant when it came to Kari...after Sora got kidnapped, Tai felt responsible because he was basically being that reckless, notice he starts to doubt himself then (Plus you have that comment of Izzy's that also made him doubt, that they AREN'T invincible in the Digital World, as humans, they'll die there just like they would in the real world). And let's not forget about the whole episode when he forced Greymon to digivolve to Ultimate, which resulted in the dark digivolution of SkullGreymon and nearly got people hurt (or worse-dead). Tai would become hesitant after making certain mistakes. But he always had someone to pull him back up from those mistakes, or someone to pull him back down when his ego was getting in the way of seeing things. Part of the reason Tai is such a good leader, was half of his great qualities that was responsible for making him such a good leader...the other half, was because of the team that followed him. A Captain is nothing without their crew after all...anyways...Most of it coming from Matt, his foil who humbled him. That's the reason why Matt is the 2nd in command. Now come to Digimon 02 with Davis...
Davis on the other hand, he had to be DRAGGED OUT OF FIGHTS! He didn't exactly have a foil around like Tai did with Matt. I mean, he had Ken...but Ken was very shy, and obviously very supportive of Davis and respected him (obviously because Davis never gave up on him). So I doubt Ken would ever honestly question Davis because it's not in his character. He had T.K. but T.K. rarely fought with Davis, T.K. is just a polite laid back guy.
(Unless you are screwing around with the powers of darkness...evil Ken learned that the hard way..
..also T.K. is awesomesauce and will kick your butt if you play with evil powers...you have been warned!) The closets thing he had to a foil was Cody, but Cody was a lot younger than Davis, and generally, most of the time, Cody was wrong when in opposition to Davis. (about the digimon destorying the bridge-that they should just destroy it, about asking Ken to join, forgiving Ken, asking Ken for help...etc.) So not a good foil, because Tai and Matt humbled each other.
The only person that really challenged Davis's course of action was Yolei, and the two are very similar...they're equally stubborn and hot-headed...(in fact the way these two treat each other remind me of Davis and his older sister, I swear...it must be because Davis and Yolei have some Mimi in them XD)
The only other person that really challenged Davis's way of thinking, that caused him to change the way he thinks things...or acts...really were on a few small occasions...and they were the original Foil Duo....Tai and Matt, who were obviously intended to be like Davis's mentors. Davis highly respected these two. So whenever they would point anything out, he did listen. (sure he was slightly somewhat combative with Matt at first, but he learned to listen to Matt and respected the older Digidestined)
He's not Tai...he's Davis. And because he didn't have any background issues? If that's the reason you hate him...again...why?
Do people really need SOMETHING they angst about to be a great character? Sure we all have issues in life. However Davis's issues were always the here and now. The things he dealt with were in the present. Whether they were his own shortcomings...or the monsters he fought. And Davis is a pretty easy going guy. Davis is also pretty thick and airheaded....yes its one of his faults...but its also one of his good traits too (the final battle with MaloMyotismon everyone...Davis was literally SAVED from that illusion because he literally wasn't deep enough to have something to angst about).
Davis has a great life. He enjoys it, the only problems he has are the monsters he fights and knows he has to destroy, yes he's scatter brained...but when its time to act...he will. When people need someone there for him, he always is. Davis is one of the most determined, go-getter, proactive, outgoing, bold, brave, fun-loving, easy-going, friendly, forgiving and LOYAL people of Digimon. Also remember when Davis originally said some rude things about Jun (his sister) and Matt got all pissy about it and chewed him out for it, and even Kari made a comment of disapproval (that throughly made Davis do a 180 XD, oh Kari, if only ye knew the power you have over this kid! XD) When Davis flat out tells Malomyotismon he has nothing to worry about EXCEPT Malomyotismon (when Malomyotismon was stunned because all kids have problems to worry about when his illusion spell didn't affect Davis), do you remember what Davis said? He basically said (paraphrasing) that he has a "great family, great friends and a great life". So SEE! Davis HAS grown up! He's not the same arrogant kid when he started out! Sure he and his sister fight all the time...but he wasn't so rude about her behind her back anymore, and this proves to you, that he does care about her. He loves his family! And yes he had jealousy issues with T.K. and fought with Yolei and Cody time to time...but he's over those things. They don't bother him. He appreciates the life he has and the people in it, and plans on living to the fullest! Yeah, because that's a arrogant stupid jerk that is a BAD ROLE MODEL for children like some of you have claimed (rolls eyes).
Also...(going on a slight tangent here, bare with me.)
First-T.K. fanboys and fangirls...if T.K. was so "perfect" for leadership position...then why didn't it happen? The obvious answer is NOT that "because the creators wanted their failed Tai clone/replacement". The answer is, it's not in T.K.'s character to be a leader. T.K. is far too laidback and easygoing to be a leader. It doesn't mean T.K. is worthless or not important. It is what it is. Yes, T.K. is a strong character. But strong =/= leader. Plenty of characters in Digimon are strong. But that doesn't make them a leader. Because if "Strong Character" equates to "deserves to be a leader" then Mimi, Sora, Izzy, Joe, Matt and Kari would like to have a word with you.
Yes he has the most expierence even when put up against with Kari whose been a digidestined not as long as him. But it is not in T.K.'s personality (or Kari's sense she has the second most expierence) to issue orders to a group, rally troops to take action. T.K. is content with being a member of the team and offering his help and support. Yes, you DON'T get on his bad side! Yes he is brave and proved to be an independent person. But the fact is, if T.K. was meant to be a leader, then he would of commanded that control and respect.
Second, Digimon Adventure 02 is NOT Digimon Adventure! This new group does NOT have the same circumstances as Digimon Adventure kids did. In the first season, these 7 kids were thrusted into a world completely different from there own. Without adults, without food or water, without knowing if they were going home. For these kids to survive, they NEEDED someone to take charge, like a pack of wolves or a herd of animals in the wild. It's simple nature and instict. In order to survive, one must form a team and someone has to lead that team. Digimon Adventure 02, these kids can COME AND GO as they please to the real world and the digital world. They don't have that same uncertainty and danger as the first season did. Also notice, when they first go to the digital world those times in the first episodes, who was always there? Someone from the original team (I.E. the older kids) Notice how they seem to deem the older kids the de-facto leaders anytime they go with them. These 5 (then later 6 with Ken) let the older kids always call the shots. So they NEVER looked for a leader of their group. They organized and compromised, sort of like a club at school, or a soccer team, with the older kids always being their teacher or coach. I repeat, if T.K. was meant to be leader, he would of acted and taking that position, he didn't! Also notice...when the chips are down, and it's a big important battle...who takes command? Who does take that charge? Who does act? It's not Ken, it's not Yolei, it's not Cody, it's not Kari, it's not T.K.! It's Davis! Why? Because it's in his personality! He's the brave one of the group! The one to always act! Whether in concerned getting Ken to their side or fighting off the important big bad, Davis was the proactive one and rallied the troops together! That is why while Tai was the true leader STILL, Davis HAS leadership qualities within him, he HAS the potential! Just not the same oppertunity that Tai and the others did.
Okay...tanget done, back to business...
I'm going to say this. I love Tai...with all my heart. But do you think he would of had the easiest time forgiving Ken in Davis's shoes? No of course not. I think him and Matt both would of had a hard time. Izzy would think about things logically, and Joe would be cautious...so they both would probably be more hesitant in forgiving Ken if they were in the new gang's shoes. Sora and Mimi would definitely would be much more forgiving because its in their personalites...I'd think they'd be a little uneasy, but quickly come around and give him a chance no doubt about it. T.K. and Kari would obviously forgive him. But Tai, no I don't think he'd forgive Ken as easily and quickly as Davis did.
You have to admit, Davis is if anything else, a good friend. Ken never asked for forgiveness or friendship at first from the digidestineds...he just avoided it. But Davis, IMMEDIATELY after the final battle with Ken, not only forgave Ken...but asked him to join the digidestineds...not even a minute after that battle. Davis knew Ken was a good kid at heart and needed a friend...and he didn't stop until Ken was belonging in the circle of his friends. Davis is like Mimi in that same respect also, they don't exclude people.
Again...all things I think that makes Davis very relateable. Because we've all known the guy like him...the fun-loving guy who just wants to make friends with everybody. Yes he doesn't have anything he angsts about...but really that wouldn't fit his character. He doesn't dwell on things, he worries about the here and now. He's persistant...he sees a goal, and he goes for it, no matter how many times he gets knocked down. He's basically Naruto...minus the angsty backstory...and the angst following after. XD
Davis has an ordinary family...goes to an ordinary school, lives in a nice place, he has friends, he plays soccer and is pretty decent at it, he has a dream most would consider silly-but he embraces it wholeheartidly (owning a noodle cart! rofl I love you Davis!)...he has a crush on a nice girl he knows from school. He likes to have fun, he likes to make friends...he just wants everyone around him to have fun and be friends...he hates people (I.E. evil certain people of this franchise XD) that ruin that fun and happiness-that hurt people and try to take away all the good things. He's pretty simple...and he's pretty basic.
That's why he's so great. He doesn't need some backstory to be relateable. He doesn't need some angst for us to like him. He has all those likeable traits there. And he's not perfect either, Davis screws up ALL THE TIME! He started off as arrogant...and he's just plain dumb! Yet he grows out of the arrogance, and he doesn't let his scatterbrain affect him, or his screw ups or people's insults get him down. He just pushes through and goes for his goals. He doesn't really sweat the small stuff (or what he considers not something to worry about).
So yeah...I find it hard to fathom why someone would hate him, when put in that perspective...now the other thing.
This ship...
vs this ship...
Be very afraid...shippers are CRAZY IN DIGIMON...I haven't seen shippers worse than this, other than maybe Harry Potter, and Avatar The Last Airbender....and Naruto...but best not talk shipping wars about Naruto (OH GOD THE SHIPPING WARS IN NARUTO D8)
Now right off the bat I will say this...I hate it when people hate a character for the only sake of shipping!
I hate Sasuke with a passion...however I hated HIM before I hated SasuSaku. In fact at first, I was indifferent to Sasuke and Sakura (she slightly bugged me at first...but I quickly got over it, and I considered that MAYBE the two could be a good pairing...but even when Sasuke started to slightly get on my nerves...I was still at that time indifferent to SasuSaku)...I'm a much bigger fan of NaruHina than I am of NaruSaku...in fact I didn't even really like NaruSaku UNTIL the middle of the second series (after the timeskip I mean), however before that I still loved Sakura...and I couldn't fathom hating her for the sake of a pairing like others did.
I love IchiRuki...I don't hate Orihime or Renji...I love them! I love IshiHime...I don't hate Ulquiorra or Ichigo...I love them! I love UlquiHime...I don't hate Ishida! I FREAKING LOVE ISHIDA!
I hate the pairing of AshxMay in Pokemon...however I don't hate May...I think she's an extremely likeable character.
I hate AshxDawn too, however I don't really hate Dawn (I love Dawn in the games...in the anime however I just find her annoying)...I mean, I just think Ash is better with Misty and him and Dawn really aren't that cute together, nor do I find any chemistry with them.
I use to hate Kikyo, but this was even before I even THOUGHT about InuKik. I hated her simply because she was trying to kill InuYasha! XDDD I didn't hate her for getting in teh way of InuKag tru wub!!!!11!1!!1 No...I was very annoyed with InuYasha for jumping back and forth! XD Oh and yeah...the whole...TRYING TO KILL INUYASHA thing!
I think hating a character for the sake of shipping is stupid...it should be the opposite. XDDD I hate SasuSaku with a passion. Part of it is because I hate Sasuke, but I hated him before I started to hate the pairing. But I just don't think they are a good couple at all. Sasuke is a TERRIBLE person to Sakura. He's a terrible person. I am not a big fan of Hinamori in Bleach (I don't hate her anymore, but even when I did hate her-I'd still ship her with Izuru, because I thought they both were cute and looked cute together).
Naturally being an AshxMisty shipper, people automatically think, "Oh you must be an Ikarishipper than" NO! I HATE PAUL! Yes AnimeDawn is kinda annoying...but seriously SHE'S WAY TOO GOOD FOR HIM! (also thanks to the Pokemon Diamond game, I am a big BarryxDawn shipper XD)
So I can't fathom why...because you ship something, you automatically hate another character who is "competition".
So the other side of haters, I notice...are obviously...Takari shippers. First off, that's silly, because Kari hasn't expressed interest in EITHER T.K. or Davis. Also T.K. you could possibly hint that maybe he has feelings for her...however again, she treats T.K. very platonically.
I get why people ship T.K. and Kari. They're the same age (the youngest of the original team). They're the younger siblings of Tai and Matt. T.K. and Kari both have Angel Digimon and Holy Crests. But I'm sorry, I never saw them as romantic. I adored the two, I think they are such adorable and WONDERFUL characters. I love these two to death, but I never saw them as a couple...and even if I did, I could NEVER hate Davis for crushing on Kari and being all jealous on T.K. over Kari. I can't blame him...Kari is an ADORABLE and sweet girl. A guy SHOULD be fighting over her. And T.K. right off the bat, after just barely meeting Davis was very familiar and friendly with Kari, formal and junk. Davis felt threatened. If anything shouldn't Takari fans like Davis, because isn't getting jealous a SIGN? XDDD
But of course Takarians say "boulderdash!" Because it has NOTHING to do with shipping! Davis doesn't get in the middle or in the way of their OTP! Hogwash! Utter hogwash! He's no threat to it after all, and they've never seen him as one!
They're hatred has NOTHING to do with shipping because...after all, he's no threat! He doesn't interfer with this complete platonic and just friends relationship totally obvious and romantic couple!
Every Takari that I've run into so far insists to me that they never saw Davis as a threat! Never!
........still no threat, right? He may piss you off but it has NOTHING to do with Takari, because he's no threat!
I don't know, however Davis got over his jealousy, he didn't give T.K. attitude anymore and they became good friends. He realized that T.K. wasn't someone he should feel threatened by. He's a good person and a friend. And Kari...well Davis became less forward as time went on, he gave her some more space and stopped being, "Well if Kari thinks this then so do I!? 8D" Davis grew up people.
And seriously, T.K. and Kari, if they were real, they'd find it very sad and petty if you hated one of their friends SOLEY BECAUSE he had a crush on Kari.
No Davis didn't handle things the way Tai did the majority of the time, he's not Tai. He's Davis. He's not a clone, he's not a replacement.
And if Takari was such a sure thing-and Davis's one-sided crush was of NO THREAT to TKxKari's oh so platonic and friendly deep and romantic relationship...then there is no reason to hate on him...because...dur, not a threat. And duh even then, its really immature to hate a character soley because they have interest in someone who is in your OTP. Grow up.
Ok...I know there are OTHER reasons people have said they disliked Davis, however I wanted to go over the two most common AND idiotic reasons.
I love Davis, he's fun, passionate, determined, positive, friendly, funny, brave, loyal, forgiving, happy, and he loves life. That's what I love about him. Davis is so grateful for the life he has and loves it, he lives it to the fullest and doesn't let any obstacle slow him down.
He believes in himself, he's true to himself, and he geniune about everything he does. He's genuine with his friends, he believes in his friends and he's fiercely loyal to his friends. That's the thing that is the best about about Davis, the thing I love about him the most. He's geniune! About anything and everything, with anyone and everyone, he's geniune 100 percent!
Anyways...I love Davis and I'm tired of the most common reasons for why people claim to hate Davis, the only thing obvious to me about it, is these kind of haters obviously have no understanding of Davis/Daisuke Motomiya. Now I have heard other reasons, and the reasons I haven't told them, they are ok enough reasons for me, that I don't feel the need to rant on them, because I find them, alright or legitimate enough. I obviously disagree...but I don't find them as dumb and ignorant as the clone comment or for rabid shipping reasons.
If you are a Davis/Daisuke fan...its ok! You aren't alone! We're here! Say it loud and proud that you love Davis! I know I have always done it! 8D