Absurd IchiHime Proof (part 4)

Nov 25, 2010 20:49

Here is the 4th piece of snarky debunking galore...if you haven't checked out my previous three-well here you go.
Part 1
Part 2
Part 3

So, I should probably get this debunking underway huh? This time though I want to do things a wee bit different...with the addition of debunking, I'm going to first-before I make any comment to the "proofs", I will have a gif for a response then go into the debunking...for extra added lulz fun.

Stand back guys...it's go time! *insert epic guitar riff*
Ichigo and Rukia's relationship is a beautiful friendship-they're close like a brother and a sister...but not in the way of lovers.

Oh the ever timeless "just friends" or "like brother/sister" argument that is so often used.
I could go into how Rukia is Ichigo's ray of light, black sun and white moon, her words put him at ease, I wanted to save you so I could see you smile, thanks to you the rain has stopped, man in my heart, and on and on and on....but I think I'll just show a neat little picture that Kubo himself drew-because Kubo btw-never draws fanservice, because drawing something he doesn't like is considered a sin.

You're right, these two ARE just good friends-that are like siblings.  Because nothing says friendship or siblings-like sitting alone at a beach with a bottle of wine/champagne, in resort clothing, looking all relaxed and flirty....RIGHT?!?!?!

Orihime's name is based off of the woman from the Tatabana myth about two lovers, Kengyuu and Orihime.  Kengyuu was a cowherder in the myth, and if you noticed Ichigo's hollow mask had bull horns!

So cow herder = cow, which = bull, which = horns????

So if horns = bulls=cow=cow herder/Kengyuu = KengyuuOrihime canon love symbolism....then........what about the following who had horns on their hollow masks????

Horns = bull = cow = cow herder/Kengyuu = KengyuuxOrihime = UlquiHime canon?????
Horns = bull = cow = cow herder/Kengyuu = KengyuuxOrihime = NnoitraxOrihime canon?????
Horns = bull = cow = cow herder/Kengyuu =KengyuuxOrihime = LilinettexOrihime canon????? Or wait....since, Lilinette = Stark, then...is it StarkxOrihime canon?! I don't understand this math equation! D8
Horns = bull = cow = cow herder/Kengyuu =KengyuuxOrihime = RudobonxOrihime canon?!?!
Horns = bull = cow = cow herder/Kengyuu = KengyuuxOrihime = BawabawaxOrihime canon?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!

right....uh....yeah you know what I associated with horns first....not bulls or cattle, not unicorns, not triceritops, not rhinos, or vikings....you know what I associate with horns first above everything else listed?!
There is a reason Ichigo hated his hollow powers....you know what it makes him feel like....A MONSTER!
There is a reason Ichigo hates and regrets his actions on the dome-because he hurt Orihime and nearly killed Ishida, and pretty much murdered Ulquiorra without a second thought....you know what that made him feel like???? A MONSTER!!!!
There is a reason Orihime is afraid of Ichigo's hollow, you know why? BECAUSE SHE SEES A MONSTER NOT ICHIGO!!!
There is a reason Ishida stopped IchiThing from killing Ulquiorra merciliessly....because that is not the real Ichigo-Ichigo is a human who spares his foes!!! Killing them is something Ichigo considers evil.....something a MONSTER WOULD DO!!!
And you know what IchiThing doesn't look like....A HERO! You know what it does look like and act like???? A MONSTER!!!!
You know what Ichigo is???? A HERO!!! You know what IchiThing is? A MONSTER!!! Ichigo hates IchiThing because it is the dark part of him...he hates it and fears it.  NOT EXACTLY SOMETHING GOOD FOR A SHIP IF YOU THINK THIS IS SOMETHING POSITIVE FOR YOUR PAIRING!

Ichigo only went to save Rukia to repay a debt, nothing more but something he felt was his duty to do.


Nevermind Ichigo swore on his soul (jeez Ichigo...never realized a debt to someone is something you could be so obsessive about that you won't shut up about it ALL SS arc and swear on your soul, thank the girl for drying up the rain in your heart, wanting to save her because you wanted to see her smile and all that crap....and yet barely speak a word of Orihime in HM instead never shutting up about Nakama and your fight boners.....=_=)
But Ichigo himself said in the manga, he doesn't go helping others out of DUTY! In fact he critisized Rukia of that very thing in the first chapters of the series.  Going by memory here...but I think it went something like this-
"Were you thinking about your duty when you saved me?! Of course not! That's the last thing someone would remember! I at the very least...choose to be different!"-Ichigo
Let's look at someone WHO DID go somewhere to repay a debt or such and such....
What is the reason Chad went to SS to save Rukia?  Loyalty to Ichigo is honestly the only real reason-you could argue....his debt to Ichigo-to throw all of his punches for Ichigo-because Ichigo's "debt" is to throw all of his punches for Chad and blah blah!
What is the reason Renji went to HM? I don't remember him interacting with Orihime AT ALL!
Why go then? HE OWED ICHIGO! He owed Ichigo for saving Rukia-his childhood friend.  He owed Ichigo and Rukia an apology for not realizing sooner that he should be fighting to save Rukia-not giving up all hope and blaming Ichigo for Rukia's misfortune.
You know what doesn't look the same in these scenarios???? Chad motivation to save Rukia and Renji's to save Orihime's to Ichigo's motivation to save Rukia.

Orihime reached out to Ulquiorra because she's a very kind and compassionate person, not because she's falling in love with Aizen's lapdog.

Well I'm going to sound like a broken record because whatever I'm going to say, hasn't already been debunked by everyone else....but yeah anyways.
Compassionate? Really?  Where was that compassion for Telsa, Nnoitra, and Grimmjow? I didn't see her crying and reaching out for them? Why is it her pity and compassion was singled out for just one person....Ulquiorra??? WHY?! Why is this?!

Even if you aren't an UlquiHime shipper you can't deny these two had SOMETHING going on between them....(to be honest, I myself can't explain it....because I'm sure that Orihime didn't exactly have romantic feelings for Ulquiorra...but she did indeed form a bond with him, and felt connected to him, I do think there is a possibility that it could of happened, because something was forming between the two.  I'm just not sure what it exactly was.)

They formed some sort of bond, that can not be denied.  Something that went beyond "pity" for the "lap dog" as people just so love to label him as.  (along with other things, but I am not going to repeat what Ulquiorra-haters say, because we all have heard it before).

Flat out...Orihime would of not reached out for him, if she felt he was just another ebul enemy lapdog of the big bad-because she didn't show compassion for the other espada....so again, what made Ulquiorra so special?!

Also Ulquiorra isn't just some "lap dog" among other things...rather than go into detail all over again, here is a post of mine way back when, on the Black&White IchiRuki forums on fanfiction.net...basically all about the lapdog (and byakuya clone-sterotype label that is thrown on him all the time....to paraphrase what I said...
---Personally I see that as an insult to Ulquiorra, he was far more complicated and had way more layers to his character than just an "evil byakuya clone" and "Aizen's lapdog" for starters if Ulquiorra was such a lapdog to Aizen, half of the things he did didn't make sense....he didn't seem THAT loyal to me.  In the end he did the things that obviously he, Ulquiorra, wanted.

Keeping Orihime wasn't on Aizen's checklist, since he said she was free to go.  Fighting Ichigo wasn't on Aizen's checklist for Ulquiorra, since Ichigo wasn't threating El Castle Las Aizen....the only thing Ichigo wanted was to take Orihime, Rukia and the rest of the nakama brigade and go home.  Keeping Orihime...put Las Aizen Headquaders in jeparody SINCE it created enemies for Aizen's little castle....Ichigo and Co had a reason to attack it now.

See the Fail!Logic in Ulquiorra?

If he was so loyal to Aizen he would of given her up, Ichigo and them would of left, the castle is safe, he did his job. If Ulquiorra was so LITERAL like he had been when he was first introduced, than that is what a "Lapdog" would of done.

But instead he intentionally kept Orihime because he didn't want her to leave....he wanted her to stay, because clearly, he wanted more answers. Orihime was the one person who gave him the answers to questions he always believed he knew the answers too....you could say, to put it from the mouth of the supposed Lapdog himself, "interesting"....Orihime fascinated him, as did the rest of humanity. But whether you believe in romance between Ulquiorra or not, it can't be denied that Orihime was almost a representation of humanity itself in his eyes. He said to his death he found you "humans" interesting as in plural...yet his focus is ONLY on her. Not Ichigo and Ishida and Orihime....just her. She is humanity in his eyes. He's seen her strength and willpower when she denied the will to break in front of him....when she even dared to strike him. He seen her at her weakest, when....obviously Kurosaki-kun was around and her will becomes putty. He's seen her talk about hearts, and in his death understands a human heart....how there is beauty in imperfection....in this case Orihime IS the perfect representation...he believes in cold logic, something with out flaws almost like a computer. But with her he sees confliction and flaws, but he also sees his redemption, whether romantic or not, the humantiy-that is Orihime showed him that, gave him that. The Heart, he was redeemed....he's not some simple one-shot "loyal lapdog" that is a "evil byakuya clone".

In life he seemed emotions and life pointless....and in redemption at his end.....in his death he finally understands purpose in emotions and living. Perfection in Imperfection, and Imperfection in Perfection.-------------
Ugh, next "proof".....given to me by my friend Lisa-who had an interesting one told to her through facebook ....and it is.....oh geez! =_=

Did you ever notice that there is an O in love, and also in the names of Ichigo and Orihime?! ^_^ *giggles*

I......I......I.....how do I even respond to that?!
I just.....this is....

This is....this is.....I'm outta here! DX

Excuse me guys....There's a desk that my cranium has an appointment with.

I hope to dear sweet merciful God this person was joking when they said this to you Lisa....I really do! Because this is just....too moronic and insane....my brain almost broke from trying to process that.

I am too busy smacking my head into a desk at the moment to respond to this....so instead I'll just post Lisa's response while I recover from this Lolgic!

"Hey you know what else Ichigo and Orihime have in their names? The letter I, and do you know what also has the letter "I" in it? IDIOT! ZOMG IT HAS TWO THAT MUST MEAN SOMETHING-JUST LIKE ICHIGO AND ORIHIME'S NAMES DO!!! You know what else has the letter O in it as well???? Moron, and so does Idiot!.....Does that have some kind of symbolic meaning?! D8"-Lisa

Ok....I'm back....and I got me some asprin to help with the headache! :D

Orihime is just a human teenage girl, she did everything in her power to do what she could, and the man she loves is dying before her eyes....her reaction is only natural.

You know what...I'd hate to end up someone married to the likes of you people who actually agree with this statement.
Yes this has been pointed out and debunked many times before I have and epicly done so...but I will not be quiet on this one!
Orihime did not do everything in her power. 
She used one shield and basically quit after that.
She could either try again, try healing him or bring him back from the dead like she did with that unimportant Loly-or whatever-her-face, she could try jumping in the way, using her body as a shield like I've seen many people do-try to die for the ones they love....she could try using....I don't know....TSUBAKI!!!! Which you people clearly love to pretend doesn't exist! She had other options and didn't choose any!
You know what....Tatsuki was faced with real danger....unlike Ulquiorra with Orihime....Aizen was actually going to kill her, she told Asano, who was alive, and kicking....to Run for it and save himself!
Ichigo, who is lying there dead as a dornail-Orihime asks to save her! See what's wrong with this picture?!
Orihime is clearly not ok! Not acting rational! This is NOT a normal thing for Orihime to do! Orihime has faced danger before countless times, and proved herself a capable woman-she isn't normally one to fall into pieces and clearly LOSE IT when things look rough-WE'VE SEEN HER DO IT BEFORE, WE KNOW SHE HAS IT IN HER ....but why is it she can only stand up and risk her life for her friends yet not the boy she pledged five lifetimes for! That's kind of an important thing! This "human teenager" has faced many dangers that have threatened her life and the lives of those she cares about....but this was the ONE CRUCIAL MOMENT when someone that she declares her love to-and she didn't do anything for him.  There is a REASON Orihime was upset with herself.  There was a reason she's showing signs of regret at what went on at the dome!  Orihime did something she didn't want to do! Orihime doesn't give herself a free pass for that huge mistake! So stop treating her like she's a mentally handicapped baby! Orihime has a brain! Orihime knows how to fight! Orihime has a desire to fight! Orihime does not want to be Ichigo's little damsel always waiting on the sidelines...Orihime wants to go out there and help!
There is a reason the Lust arc is called an IchiHime fail!
Also yes a normal woman does cry when the man she loves dies before her eyes...but you know what she doesn't do?  She doesn't ask that corpse to save herself!
Rangiku crying/mourning over Gin =/= Orihime crying for corpseIchigo to save her.

So stop trying to use that card too while you're at it.

Rukia is androgynous, flat-chested, and bosses around and beats up Ichigo alot, how could he possibly love her when he clearly treats Rukia like one of the guys?


Wow....you guys never bash do you?

After all calling someone gender neutral, like a boy because she's flat-chested and kicks butt, is something that should be considered a COMPLIMENT OF COURSE!!!!

And last I checked....Ichigo doesn't treat Rukia the same he treats Ishida, Chad, Keigo, Muzuiro, and Renji. In fact, last I checked, none of them are his ray of light-stop the rain in his heart-words put him ease-changed his whole world-and wanting to save them to see them smile...but what do I know???

Sorry if Ichigo isn't shallow like you, or Kubo for that matter...

of course she's a hinyu* Rukia's small breast is part of her charm/virtue isn't it?-Tite Kubo

But what do we know?
Because we all know there is absolutely nothing cute, sexy, feminine, serene, adorable, lovely, charming, girly, or beautiful about Rukia at all........is there?!?!?!

Well....that was....fun?

Ta-ta for now, I gotta go.....gotta get all this...."proof" washed out with some brain bleach...but it aint gonna be easy.

When you see something that makes you stop dead in you're tracks going,


Trying to erase it from your memory is not an easy thing to do.

Well as long as you guys enjoyed it I guess that's all that matters.

Now if you'll excuse me....Orihime and I have Therapy to go to! HM was a jerk to that poor girl's pysche...and....the letter O is going to be the death of me.....

And remember guys!

Ignore what the haters say, because Ishida, Ulquiorra, Orihime, Rukia, Ichigo are all awesome characters! :3

tite kubo, orihime, ichigo, ichihime fail, failage, rukia, debunk, debunking, facedesk, ichiruki, ulquiorra, facepalm, absurd

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