The Insect God by Edward Gorey.

Dec 16, 2015 06:57

Title: The Insect God.
Author: Edward Gorey.
Genre: Fiction, poetry.
Country: U.S.
Language: English.
Publication Date: 1963.
Summary: Poor little Millicent is happily minding her own business and nibbling some grass in the park (as you do). As darkness creeps in a stranger pulls up and offers Millicent a cinnamon ball. As her greedy little fingers move to fish one out she is snatched and taken away to a strange land where she is stripped naked, bundled into a pod and offered as a sacrifice to the Insect God.

My rating: 8/10

1960s - poetry, 1960s - fiction, artist: edward gorey, author: edward gorey, surrealist fiction, fiction, anthropomorphism, american - fiction, 3rd-person narrative, literature, anthropomorphism (poetry), 20th century - poetry, poetry, american - poetry, 20th century - fiction

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