Title: Grimm Fairy Tales 6.
Author: Joe Brusha, Ralph Tedesco, Raven Gregory, and Dan Wickline.
Artist: Romano Molenaar, Nei Ruffino, David Seidman, and Dave Hoover.
Genre: Fiction, graphic novel, horror, fantasy, faerie tales.
Country: U.S.
Language: English.
Publication Date: July 7, 2009.
Summary: With Sela gone, Belinda is having a ball ruining the lives of almost everyone who crosses her path. A lonely puppet-maker creates a son from a cursed piece of wood only to have to face a terrifying reality! A mysterious and ancient statue has the power to keep those who possess it forever young - but at what cost? A painting ages for a man who finds that eternal youth is nothing but an eternal curse.
My rating: 7/10.