Sep 26, 2004 20:16
okay soo i totally forgot to tell how awesome friday was at the game! i hanged out with i think the other guys name was zack? right priya? and someother guy...i duno i suck with names..anyways its was good fun i totally forgot wat we were talking about i think basiclly it started out with talking about hair and than went to how pissed off we were about missing battle of the bands! wat did we talk about..i felt wasted when i was there haha...priya do u remember? i don't lol
hmm but i just got back from HS group church it was fun, we played hacky sack..i suck but thats okay Pastor mark kicks! my goodness. Johns going to host a bonfire for us! Yea party at his house! And Nathans a chef ha thats awesome! and alyssa was there too, " don't plug my nose." good fun! oh and Crap now i actually get a bass! Our church is cool so its all good fun! alright thats it though..mucho amore..