Sep 26, 2004 12:56
I'm now sad....i won't be here for Battle of the bands...its no good
but yesturday was fun, i went to the mal with ash and john...haha poor john was pulled into all of mine and ashes stores. it was great..but we picked out john a shirt, its hott. Than we went to the movies and tim joined us....i almost got raped but the 2 guys sitting next to john... If john made me move next to them..i would of slapped him! it was pretty funny though. Celluar was good, funny and scary. Than i went to Laurens house afterwards, and me her and her parents watched jersey was sad and also funny..."Wat are your intentions to my daughter" "wat are your intentions to my Father?" haha good fun! than me and lauren just chilled for another half hour or so, than i left... though today is sad, cuase people are mad... i won't get into it though.. omig but today i went to church and the bible was pretty much about how rich people go to hell... i was like shit.. thats not fair! i didn't ask to be economicly well off! ive decided i'm a good enough person that i won't go to hell though so thats all