I Was Hit By The TRACKER.VBS Virus

Jul 13, 2008 04:36

It's 4 am and I can't sleep due to menstrual cramps. Crap.


Yup. I've been hit by a virus. And apparently, its new because I tried googling it and only 2 pages of searches containing 40 pages turned up. And of course, not all the pages are useful so that meant that I had to sift through the 40 pages. The most useful page I found was an Istorya.net forum thread. In CEBUANO. YAY. But then no one there has quite found the best solution yet because I've tried all the antivirus programs they've suggested yet there's still that annoying AUTORUN thing that comes out at the top of the choices when I right click my disk drive. And that only means that traces of the virus are still there even if it has been deleted from the registry, which I know from double clicking the drive itself.

And to think 2 of my external hard disk partitions have been hit. I'm kind of scared...

computers, virus

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