I was hired back last week at the same place that laid me off at the end of November, so my severance package basically gave me December off, and then I was rehired
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YAY!!!!! That is awesome!! Now you can totally afford to buy Gill that Mug that says " My Empire is Crumbling ... and all I have to show for it is this Mug " you can even have stuff like SMC, RAGE, OCULUS printed in bright bold colors on the other side!!
Congrats! Sometimes getting a large raise can increase spending unnecessarily. My advice...buy a shotgun that costs TWELVE THOUSAND DOLLARS and then continue living your life as you have always done. 401Ks, IRAs, and working houses are all signs of someone who cares more about financial status than the things that really count...the ability to kill (clay pigeons) in cold blood.
This sounds like a modified version of the old frat question, except replace "whores" with "shotguns". So: Would I get one $12,000 gun, or 12,000 $1 guns, or some combination thereof? I think I'd break it up to a few $1-2.5k guns, and maybe one $5k one. And if it's not limited to strictly shotguns, I'd prob put a few sub-$1k handguns in there as well. And with all these guns to shoot, I'd also have to drop a grand or so on ammo, and renovate the spare bedroom to change it into an arsenal.
The one time I fired a gun turned bad..medkitty06January 20 2006, 21:20:10 UTC
That sounds kinda scary...me with my jittery hands around handguns and all, and there was that one lamented new years friendly fire incident during the usual hispanic new years celebration shooting handguns into an empty field resulted in the maiming of my aunts Chihuahua. They all speculated it was me considering, mostly because I was the one with the beretta and they found a 9mm bullet in the little fella. I was so scared and my cousin Victor made me pull the trigger and I only fired once! What are the chances that I would hit a moving target the size of a large rat in the dark!! I cried for weeks! That dog still looks at me funny. Now he has one of those little leg splints attached to little chariot wheels. You would think the little rat would be grateful after all now he is much more aerodynamic and he can reach speeds before unimaginable for a dog his size. He can even pop a wheelie if he practiced. So, should I look for more childproof digs?
Re: The one time I fired a gun turned bad..ccrs8January 20 2006, 22:11:12 UTC
Wow...that's absolutely awesome and quite funny. I feel the same way about the handicapped folks with those electronic wheelchairs which go way faster than any human could possibly walk. I bet deep down, they're not all that upset over their condition. I mean, they can really fly.
If you didn't like my policy on women and camping, you really won't like my policy on women and guns.
Comments 13
Would I get one $12,000 gun, or 12,000 $1 guns, or some combination thereof?
I think I'd break it up to a few $1-2.5k guns, and maybe one $5k one. And if it's not limited to strictly shotguns, I'd prob put a few sub-$1k handguns in there as well. And with all these guns to shoot, I'd also have to drop a grand or so on ammo, and renovate the spare bedroom to change it into an arsenal.
If you didn't like my policy on women and camping, you really won't like my policy on women and guns.
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