my father and my books (mix carefully)

Jun 26, 2007 20:08

Yeah, so, I've been a bad example in posting. I get on to other people for not posting and then never post myself. Doesn't that figure?

Not that I'm going to post much right now.

Here's a scary fact: my father grabbed one of my books because he thought it looked like a cool werewolf novel. It was in fact a paranormal romance novel. Romance novel. My father reading romance. He said he had to skip parts because they were too "feminine" and he didn't like the female point of view. But he said the story was good and that it'd make a good movie (without the romance part, I suspect). I'm still in a state of shock. A little bit horrified that my father is picking books out of my room without my knowing. I think he said I gave it to him to read... but I know I wouldn't have done that. I wouldn't hand him a romance novel. So that means he probably picked it off my shelves. I'm a little scared. My books are not father reading material because most of them are romance. Vivid romance. IE: sex. He doesn't really like novels written by women because of that whole "female viewpoint" (apparently it harms his masculenity -eyeroll-). I'm going to have to keep a closer watch on my books. Or just find more books to foist onto my dad to read to keep him busy. Yeah... I need to find more books for dad to read. Pronto. Though I am still surprised that he said the story was good. Of course, he's right... the story was about some native american myths come to life in the form of werewolves and there was some cool history and myth information in there. But still. Shock.

Tada! That's my update for today. Maybe I'll try to make this more of a regular update so I'll actually talk about stuff. Or something. Maybe. I'm excited about this weekend (Kansas friend here I come! We are going to TEAR UP Worlds of Fun!). And now I'm going to go do some reading. Ta-Ta.

Mood: shocked surprise
Music: The newest Loreena McKennitt cd -which I did not even know existed until I came across it while shelving at the library. Just came out last year. Surprise! I thought she'd stopped coming out with cds since it'd been so long. It's pretty good. (anyone want a copy?)
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