Look! It's an update!

May 05, 2007 11:25

Alright, so I leave tomorrow. And I'm still only halfway packed. Just barely. One suitcase is full and the other is awaiting it's turn. Yes, two suitcases. It's a lot of clothes for two weeks. Two weeks with formal outfits as well. I gotta have the outdoor outfits, and the more wintery outfits, and the more summery outfits (just in case) and then the more dressy outfits for dinner. Adds up to a lot of stuff. And there's no washing machine. Well, okay, there probably is, but you have to pay a lot to use it, I think.

I still have so much to do! Need to get my nails painted (forget the manicure, they cost too much) and then I need to finish packing and get my eyebrows waxed. I need to put in all my earrings (I haven't worn all my earrings for months now and I'm afraid some of them are going to be closed up or hard to put earrings back into so I've been putting it off for fear it's going to be painful). And I need to spend time with my dog(s) and with my dad. And then possibly clean the house (still unsure if I'm going to do that or not, but I'm thinking about it). And I need to get my mp3 player loaded with music to listen to. And I gotta figure out which movies I'm going to take with me and which books. Because there will be some down-time on the ship and I want to have stuff to relax with if I want to.

Still don't know everything that we're going to be doing when we come into port. We've only planed to go dry-suit snorkling (I don't even know what a dry suit is) and to go on a whale watching mini-cruise. I soooo want to see a whale. The idea of these massive animals just fascinates the hell out of me. They're so large and slick and powerful and yet know how to use their size and how to navigate around without hitting things. Very cool. I'm envious. I like large things. Not elephants so much (at least not the ones you see at zoos or the type at fairs you can ride around... they look so worn and degraded that there's little respect left). But water animals that are large... right up my alley. I'd also like to see a moose. The idea of them fascinates me also. I want to see just how huge they're suppose to be. I'd also like to see a bear. Because bears are cool as well (a polar bear would be best, but I imagine if we see one it'll be a black bear or something along those lines). A wolf would be cool too, but that's unlikely to be seen. On the lines of big animals I'd like to see I'd like to add a tiger (or jaguar or lion) - and I know I wont see one of those on this trip... but it'd be cool to see one someday. I have a fascination for things that are large. I think it's because I feel so out of place because I'm so big (in comparison to most girls my age) and so I take pleasure and feel an affinity for things that are large as well. Kindred spirit sort of thing or something.

I also plan to do a lot of shopping (window or otherwise). And I'm hoping to go kayaking, just because it sounds like fun and I know me and my mom would flip us over more than twice (probably a dozen times at least) and that's fun in it's own way. And maybe zip-lining might be fun. Particularly when you mix it with my fear of heights. Put me suspended above trees on a little line, zooming along at frightening speed for a pretty fair distance... yeah, adrenaline rush to the extreme. Being scared is good sometimes. As long as I don't have to think about it too much.

I'm off work!! I don't have to work for the next two weeks! And I already know my schedual for when I come back so I don't have to worry about rushing to work to check when I get back. I'll just get to show up at my usual time and act like nothing's different. I was sort of worried about that. Because our return flight doesn't get back until Sunday night and I was scared I might have to work monday morning. And there'd be no way to know for sure that night. But thankfully my boss has done the schedual way ahead (I know my schedual for the next month and a half or so) because she's leaving town for vacation as well so she wanted schedualing to be planned and out of the way. Which is very very good. Less stress for mares.

Alright, I'm off. I'll try to take pictures (good ones this time, I hope) and bring back presents for a few of you. Though it might not be much because I don't know what sort of prices they're going to have up there. Maybe I'll just snag some stuff in Canada (there's a couple stops along the way to Alaska) and hopefully that'll be cheaper. Maybe.

Okay, time to get moving on my list of "things to do." I'll try to post again soon after I get back. Later.
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