Personal goals

Jul 28, 2010 19:03

I've known for a while that I have too many hobbies. About four years ago, I did a triathlon, and I decided I really enjoyed it. About the same time, I was thinking of dropping bellydance.

I kept trying to hang on to bellydance, but I decided a couple days ago that maybe it's just time to let it go. As much fun as I had, it later on became misery. While living in Minneapolis, I kept trying to talk myself into going to lessons. I couldn't make myself go. I really just didn't want to put myself back in the position where people (students, other teachers, even fellow dancers) would be sniping at me. I didn't want to be the one always having to organize or plan things. And it took a lot of time away from my family.

I contrast that with the experience I had doing the triathlon. I really enjoyed training. I liked getting exercise, I liked the solitude, and I liked that, if I wanted, I could 'train' with my family in the form of bike rides or walks together. When it came time for the actual race day, no one laughed at me because I was obviously not fit. I had a goal and I accomplished it, and everyone was very positive, even though I was horribly slow. It was truly one of the best days of my life.

When I was finished, I was so psyched that I decided I wanted to do a half-iron before I was 35.

I turn 35 next month. No half-iron. Admittedly, this was not a lack of will-power. This was due to the fact that in the past four years, I've had a lot of problems because of the fructose malabsorption problem. Most of the doctors I went to were unaware of the issue. One particularly rude one flat out told me that I "had to eat fruits and vegetables" and that I should just take some beano.

When you're chronically sick, can't eat well, and start suffering from chronic dehydration and headaches, the last thing on your mind is going out and running a couple miles (especially when coupled with all the stress of going to grad school and being 250 mi. away from part of your family). On top of that, I discovered that I have pretty bad asthma...when I'm in Minneapolis. I got to the point that walking across campus would be enough to start an attack. When I'm back in Fargo, I get winded but going for a walk doesn't leave me gasping for breath. I haven't had to use my inhaler once since getting back.

So now that I'm feeling better, I've been thinking about getting back into triathlon. I managed to go to a race-walking workshop this spring (because I don't think running will ever be an option for me). I've been thinking about doing some swimming again.

I also took up the violin. I've been playing one year, and I really enjoy it. (Not so sure my family does, but that's part of living with a family, right?)

So this weekend, I think I'm going to go through and start cleaning out some of my bellydance supplies. I'm probably going to hang on to a few things if I ever feel like practicing (particularly my sword), but I think it's time to face the fact that it's really not that important to me right now. If I ever feel the need to do it again, it's not like I can't always pick it back up.

triathlon, violin, hobbies, bellydancing

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