Swine flu, day 7

Oct 12, 2009 08:20

I'm still sick.

I'm also fairly sure this has to be H1N1 (or swine flu, depending on your tastes). I've had all the symptoms (coughing, headache, sore throat, chills) except a fever. However, I found out last night that 1/3 of cases don't get fever. I haven't been this sick without a fever in quite a while, so that's what I'm guessing.

I have a doctor's appt. tomorrow to look at my ear (which seems to still have fluid in it after 3 months), so I will ask when it's safe to go back to school. I think that I should be non-contagious by Wednesday, but I really don't know. Without fever as an indicator, I really don't know what to look for. (At this point, I'm assuming that spending half the night coughing may be an indicator that I'm not ready to go back.) Fortunately, I had a much, much easier time finding people to take my labs today than I did last week.

The most ironic thing about all this is that I was so scared I would catch this from my students or classmates and end up bringing it home and giving it to the kid (or, kids and Mike). Instead, the kid brought it home, and I'm now scared of giving it to my students and classmates. I don't want to be a Typhoid Tony.*

*Tony Labella caused more cases of Typhoid fever than Mary Mallon, so I think we should start using the term Typhoid Tony. I also advocate for alliteration, as well.

swine flu, health

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