Graduation = blizzard.

Dec 21, 2008 15:06

This is the third day in a row I've seen sundogs. I adore sundogs...but only when they are infrequent. Lots of sundogs means lots of cold.

Another sign that winter is here is that all the Salvation Army bellringers are out and about. In fact there are so many out, that the following happened last night:

The younger son found a bell. He walked up to Mike while ringing it and said, "Daddy, I need some of your money."

Kid learns quick.

And finally, it's winter solstice today. Tomorrow will be 3 seconds longer. Yay!

Yesterday, we had a storm because, of course, it was graduation. Can't have a graduation without a storm. No one made it except my family and my parents. I was a bit disappointed that my friend Nicci didn't make it. However, when I got home afterwards, I found she had sent me a package of Godiva chocolates as a graduation gift. Score! I think she was driving through the blizzard yesterday, which is why she didn't make it. Uff da.

There was a reception afterwards, and the old retired professor who runs around the dept. with the camera (but never has taken a picture of me) took a picture of Mike and me. Perhaps he finally realized I am (or was) actually part of the department. Although we saw him at a restaurant later and I waved, but I don't think he knew who I was then.

My parents bought us all lunch. I think they are actually pretty happy about me finishing my MS. What's better is that they don't seem to be strung out about me having a couple years of grad school left, either. I think this may be because they realize I can't go to school anymore once I'm done with my PhD. I'm just happy that no one made any comments about needing to get a job. They actually seemed proud and excited, which made things a lot more fun. (They are still insisting that I need to be done in 2 1/2 years.) :-)

I think I may have realized why a lot of family members have been freaking about me going to school in a different city. I wonder if people thought Mike and I were having problems or that it was going to cause problems. Now that we've been doing this for a few months and no one has filed for divorce and we're making an effort to see each other almost every weekend, they're all relaxing a bit. I'm just surprised that no one asked, if that's what they were thinking.

But now I'm officially graduated with my MS and have the funny gown to prove it. One more degree to go...and with that one, I get the funny hat.

graduation, grad school, family

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