I'm done, but I'm not.

Dec 13, 2008 22:48

So far, the end of the semester has been brutal. It turns out that both my instructors are attending AGU and so everything had to be finished this week. I managed to finish all my assignments up, but it did involve a few nights with not much sleep. On the bright side, I got done earlier than just about everyone else.

I also finished up most of my grading at 11 p.m. last night. That is, I finished up the grading that had to be turned in (the instructor for the course gets all final exams). I brought a couple things home. Mostly it's post-lab questions, which are not time consuming. I have to send my grades in tomorrow, though.

I think I did okay grade-wise. I know that I got an A- in one class. So much for getting a 4.0. It turns out that they use +/- grades here, so I'm already behind. (But I really don't care about grades anymore, right? Didn't I decide that I put far too much emphasis on grades, which would cause me to stress out and not be able to study, thus becoming a cycle of doom? Isn't that warm fuzzy feeling that I learned something the important thing? Yeah, didn't think so.) I was happy because that was the class I biffed the midterm. I felt far better prepared for the final exam, and I'm guessing that's why I didn't get a B, despite the fact I was expecting it.

I think I had two big realizations this semester.

1) I've always been in a situation where the classes kicked my ass, and the grading was less substantial. I guess it doesn't always work that way. Being in classes where the work is doable but not an uphill battle all the way was...fun. But I feel guilty because I'm not used to it. I learned a lot, but I'm used to learning being a struggle.

2) I can get everything done as long as I get into a good rhythm. I don't think I found that rhythm until mid-November. By then, I was so far behind, it took everything just to dig out of my hole. However, I did manage it. I think that if I can get into that rhythm early next semester, life will be a lot better, and I'll be A-okay for my writtens.

Both of these realizations leave me feeling rather positive about the upcoming semester. But first, I get to spend a whole month with my little guy. Yesterday was his last day at daycare, and he doesn't start his new one until mid-January. Boy, is he going to be sick of me. :-)

grad school, vacation

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