"You know how hard it is for me to shake the disease that takes hold of my tongue..."

Aug 21, 2008 23:23

Things couldn't have been better timed. Over the past couple days, I've had some "ethics training", courtesy of the big university. In several scenarios, there are mentions of professors mistreating grad students. I kept asking myself, "Do professors really act like that?" A primary example was a verbal lashing that reminds me of something a parent would do to a child.

Apparently it does happen. That makes me sad. It also makes me realize how fortunate I was to find such a wonderful adviser for my MS.

On the happy side, I've been enjoying my stay at Friends' House Hotel (and I don't mean Friends in the sense of Quakers, as an FYI). The service has been great. The host gave me his parking spot while the hostess disposed of a multi-legged creature that ended up in my presence. (Yes, I'm totally girly about anything that has an excess of four legs...and anyone over ten years old better come over and kill it if they hear me squealing.)

The other temporary resident (who is about 3 feet tall and has an estimated checkout date of 16 years) does not seem terribly disturbed by my presence. In fact, he has been sharing quite stimulating conversation with me on his predilection for polyester-filled quadrupedal mammals. While he has been an entertaining companion, I miss my own temporary residents and will be glad to check out tomorrow. I'm hoping they keep my room available next week.

My new department has determined I am fit to be placed in a position of influence over young minds. I don't know how they deemed that I have an aptitude for this position (or perhaps they didn't and just needed TAs). In that light, I'm sure you'll be hearing entertaining stories. Most will probably focusing on how long it's been since I took physical geology such that I can't keep Moh straight from a Mho.

grad school

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