back from visiting

Mar 30, 2008 09:37

I'm back home now, listening to the older one feign screams because the younger one is trying to give him a kiss. They're being very goofy.

The trip was good, but I'm exhausted. I checked on Map My Run, and I walked about 5 miles on Friday. It's a big campus, and to get anywhere, you need to bike or walk, which is different than NDSU. (Drive to your parking lot, take the campus shuttle to your building.) Even though I try to walk when it's nice out (i.e. above 20F), the campus is still a lot smaller so the mileage doesn't add up as fast.

I was very impressed with both the faculty and facilities. I guess I knew they had a good program, but it drove the point home to actually *see* the facilities and meet these folks.

A group of us were getting a tour of one lab. He had us give our names, then he pointed at me and said, "North Dakota, right?" I said yeah, but I was like, "Did I do something wrong?" It turns out that he's from South Dakota, so he just tends to notice when they get people from the Dakotas.

The other nice thing is that I do have friends there (as does Mike) as well as the fact that it's a 4 hour drive...rather than a 4 hour flight (not including time to the airport and waiting for flights).

So I'm sort of leaning that direction. I don't like to make split second decisions, so I'm going to wait for a day or two.

(I have to admit that there's this part of me going, "Why did they accept ME of all people?" It was sobering being around people who are very obviously bright.)

grad school

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