Oh crud...

Nov 17, 2007 23:28

I got nothing done today. Mike was so exhausted from his trip (and, I'm proud to say, he chose not to indulge in any Mountain Dew) that he spent a good part of the day sleeping. I didn't feel much better, but I tried to get a few things done around the house.

The result, of course, is that the house is not clean, my work is not done, and I'm still tired. (Oh crud, I just noticed the time.)

This evening was a real treat, though. Some friends came into town, and we all got together. The last time we got together with all of these friends, nearly half of their kids were not born! We met four brand new little people tonight, and there were about 7 older kids (including ours) having a blast in the basement.

I don't think that when I first met all these folks (college friends of Mike's) about 6 years ago I could've imagined how many kids we'd all have. (Of course, I already had older son, but none of the other 10 kids had been born yet.)

It was very nice to spend time with them all and do some catching up. I wish we'd had more time. I did also manage to pick up birthday presents for my sister. This is good, as her birthday is tomorrow.

After we got home, I decided to have another "anxiety attack" and spent an hour worrying out loud about "the future", especially as it pertains to grad school. I'm again rethinking about whether or not to go to the "really honkin' huge university" if I get accepted there. My gut says I'd be in a much better position for a faculty position, but I'm also starting to worry about getting research funding if I do manage to get a position. (I know, I should cross that bridge when I get there...but I'm not good at waiting until I get there.)

I'm hoping that tomorrow is significantly more productive.


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