you know it's funny, my boyfriend wants to get healthier and work out and I don't want him to unless he trims down first! lol I've never been into muscled guys right now and he has gained weight since we first met (which doesn't bother me at all) and if he starts building muscle right now he's going to have the broadest biggest shoulders and pecks, totally not what I'm into. But of course when you're with someone for so long you tend to end up being into them either way.
I love strength...absolutely love it! The cave-lady in me is totally turned on by a strong man, strong forearms just kill me. And when we're having sex if he is one top of me I can't help but be turned on by rubbing my hands on his pecks and shoulders. I would like him to trim down a bit before building muscle but I'll still like it this way too...just so long as he doesn't go he-man on me!
Oh and I TOTALLY agree with you on the V shape ICK ICK ICK!! I hate hips, guys should not have a sexier belly than a girl, they should look STRONG not like a carved statue.
I love strength too, I love when a guy picks me up and swings me around. I also like it to hurt a little bit when the guy is on top of me during sex. I like that feeling of vulnerabilty.
Also, what I like about fat guys is that the fat around their bellies make their penises look smaller and I prefer smaller penises. I mean not real small like Sting's 3-incher, but between 6 to 8 inches is perfect for me :)
Ha-ha, yeah, that's a good way to put it -- hips and a too chiseled stomach is way too fem for a guy.
YES I am totally with you on that. Damn I am a petite girl and I had sex with a guy once that was so painful because he was too big! My abdomen ached for a day after!
One time I was getting ready to have sex with this guy, and his penis, I swear to god, was almost as big as Long Dong Silver's -- and the head of it was the size of a baseball!!
I love strength...absolutely love it! The cave-lady in me is totally turned on by a strong man, strong forearms just kill me. And when we're having sex if he is one top of me I can't help but be turned on by rubbing my hands on his pecks and shoulders. I would like him to trim down a bit before building muscle but I'll still like it this way too...just so long as he doesn't go he-man on me!
Oh and I TOTALLY agree with you on the V shape ICK ICK ICK!! I hate hips, guys should not have a sexier belly than a girl, they should look STRONG not like a carved statue.
I love strength too, I love when a guy picks me up and swings me around. I also like it to hurt a little bit when the guy is on top of me during sex. I like that feeling of vulnerabilty.
Also, what I like about fat guys is that the fat around their bellies make their penises look smaller and I prefer smaller penises. I mean not real small like Sting's 3-incher, but between 6 to 8 inches is perfect for me :)
Ha-ha, yeah, that's a good way to put it -- hips and a too chiseled stomach is way too fem for a guy.
YES I am totally with you on that. Damn I am a petite girl and I had sex with a guy once that was so painful because he was too big! My abdomen ached for a day after!
One time I was getting ready to have sex with this guy, and his penis, I swear to god, was almost as big as Long Dong Silver's -- and the head of it was the size of a baseball!!
I said, "You are not sticking that thing in me!"
He ended up marrying a very tall girl -- LOL!
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