Nov 01, 2004 17:10
i have been on a huge emo kick lately, just listening to all kinds of stuff that the masses have dubbed emo. jimmy eat world's new cd is indescribable. finally a reason to be excited about music again. also been listening to a lot of dashboard (becky and i just watched the unplugged), get up kids and reggie and the full effect. i suppose there is no point to your local scene! becky also got me the rites of spring album and the dischord 20th anniversary box set!!! ohman....words fail me.
election day is tomorrow. go out and vote for the lying mud slinging smear merchant of your choice. then watch as the election is contested in court and watch the supreme court slam it in your face that your vote doesn't count when they pick the candidate you should have voted for. the system is so corrupt it's beyond sad. and everything is so overtly negative you would never know what a candidate stands for...all you'd know is that his opponent sucks and is bad and the antichrist. hey kids! don't vote for someone because of where they stand on the issues! vote for them because their opponent is the antichrist!