Oct 25, 2004 16:45
just to prove what a geek i am i thought that i might start doing a semi-regular feature on my livejournal detailing the origins of my favorite comic book characters, just like they used to do in the much missed marvel vision fan magazine. i thought i might pick an obscure character, cuz let's face it, everyone knows the origin of batman. so this time i present spider-man supporting character cardiac:
dr. eli wirtham was a selfish surgeon who only cared about money and himself. all that changed when his brother was diagnosed with a very rare disease. realizing his brother's case was terminal, he set out to find a cure. studying up on the subject, eli found that the major drug companies had given up that particular area of study, because it was not cost effective; not enough people were dying of the disease for the company to make any profit from a cure so the research was abandoned. eli's brother soon died. after the death, eli trained his body and his mind and put all the money at his disposal into making himself in the ultimate fighting machine, a tool that would be used to stop corporate sabotage wherever and whenever it reared it's head. his heart replaced with a beta particle accelerator and armed with a staff to channel this power as well as diamond hard skin and a mechanical bird that responded to his every command, eli became...CARDIAC!
ain't i lame?