So it seems that 2009 is "The Year of the ARC" around here. Two of the books that I was most eager to have in my grubby little hands (which both are set to release on the same day, March 24th 2009, my husband's birthday) I managed to swing ARCs of in contests held by their authors. Pretty cool, right? I thought so, too. The first book as you know because I haven't shut up about it was CITY OF GLASS by Cassandra Clare. *read THAT spoiler review
The second book was STARGAZER by Claudia Gray. I will preface this review by saying that I loved EVERNIGHT. I really, really loved it. The characters, the plot, the worldbuilding, the twists, and very most of all, the emotional connect.
As much as I loved EVERNIGHT, STARGAZER was even better!
The book opens at the start of the new school year, months after Bianca and Lucas are separated. The author does a great job of the time progression, both the initial one, and during the several scenes of the book where we fast forward a month or more. You never have that feeling that a narrator is standing over your shoulder booming out "two months later." The transitions are seamless, and really progress the story and help to advance the plot and make the struggles more believable.
The relationships between the characters get more complex and convoluted, and we learn more about the pasts of a few key people. I really enjoyed the exploration of the ties that bind the characters, as well as the non-preachy statement that the plot makes about perceptions and the dangers of moral absolutism. Themes of identity and growth are also touched on, and are handled well in a way that will resonate with younger and more mature readers alike.
But the most important thing about any book is the characters. If you don't connect to them and care about what happens to them, then it doesn't matter how brilliant the plot is. If you don't love and hate them, then it's all in vain. I was absolutely absorbed in the story of Bianca and Lucas and (everyone's favorite vampire) Balthazar. They're written in a way that makes them real, that makes them jump off of the page. Every time I was forced to put this book down for any length of time I found that my mind was still with them. You care about these characters. They matter. I was so sad to read the final page and realize that it will be awhile before I can find out what will happen to them next!
The end of the book left my dying for more. Seriously. The wait is going to be painful.
STARGAZER has firmly sealed the EVERNIGHT books in my list of favorite series. Highly recommended to everyone. These books are suspenseful and fun and romantic and wistful all at the same time. I can't wait to get my hands on the third book in this series!