Feb 02, 2012 00:17
Calorie burned count for January: 36,762.
This would mean that so far I am right on track for my 100K goal set for March 31st, 2012. I am still not sure if I will manage to do it or not. I have noticed that overall the workouts have started to take a little bit of a toll on my body.
My body is 40 years old. While I still have quite a lot to give over a long period of time, I do have to play it smarter. I am not sure I can keep the workouts up every day for the next 11 months, but I will try my best. I will have to design my workouts a bit better though, as many of them now require core strength. Having had the gastric bypass, there is a limit to how much my stomach muscles can take, and that limit has been close a few times lately. This has also meant some pain.
If anyone has good ideas for workouts that will work with minimum impact on stomach muscles, I am all ears.